111 EUR
4833 EUR

WC pott roostevabast terasest

WC pott roostevabast terasest

PEGU.EE pakub kvaliteetseid WC-potte roostevabast terasest, millel on mitmekülgsed paigaldusvõimalused nii põrandale kui ka seinale. Lisaks on saadaval spetsiaalsed inva lahendused, mis tagavad mugavuse ja ligipääsetavuse erivajadustega kasutajatele.


  1. Roostevaba Teras: Valmistatud vastupidavast ja korrosioonikindlast roostevabast terasest, tagades pika kasutusea.

  2. Mitmekülgsed Paigaldusvõimalused: Saadaval nii põrandale kui ka seinale paigaldatavad WC-potid, võimaldades kohandada vastavalt ruumi vajadustele.

  3. Inva Lahendused: Spetsiaalsed inva lahendused on loodud, et tagada mugavus ja ligipääsetavus erivajadustega inimestele.

  4. Hõlpsasti Puhastatav: Roostevaba teras on hügieeniline ja hõlpsasti puhastatav materjal.

  5. Stiilne ja Kaasaegne Disain: WC-potid on saadaval erinevates stiilides ja disainides, sobitudes erinevate interjööridega.

WC-potid on oluline osa igast tualettruumist, ja roostevabast terasest valmistatud WC-potid pakuvad vastupidavust ja kvaliteeti. Lisaks on inva lahendused suunatud sellele, et tagada mugavus ja kasutusmugavus ka erivajadustega inimestele. Tutvuge PEGU.EE valikuga, et leida sobivad roostevabast terasest WC-potid vastavalt teie vajadustele ja eelistustele.

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!

Aasia WC, R/V teras AISI 304

Tootekood: PPT ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
549,00 €

Antivandaalne WC pott INVA R/V taras

AUZ 08 INV is a stainless-steel WC in matt design for the disabled. It is a stainless-steel toilet to stand on the floor at the wall. The drain is directed backwards (the bottom drain version AUZ 02 INV). The closet is based on the standard AUZ 08, which is heightened and lengthened to fulfil the directive regarding products for disabled persons. To increase the user comfort, the seating part is provided with a seat from hardened plastic. The closet includes a removable backrest recommended by the League for the rights of the wheelchair bound.


The standing WC is suitable for places where the common closet cannot be attached to the side wall, because of a thin bearing particle, for example.


It is suitable to supplement the closet with an automatic pressure-water flushing device with delayed flushing AUZ 3 INV (suitable for the disabled) or any flushing device with a cistern.

Basic technical information
Water inlet: d= 34 - 50 mm
Min. water flow: 70 l/min
Outlet: d= 90 mm
Weight: 27 kg
Complete delivery
  • Stainless steel closet
  • Plastic seat
  • Anchoring material
  • Stainless-steel backrest
Tootekood: AZP-AUZ 08 INV ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
2629,00 €
Antivandaalne WC pott R/V taras

AUZ 08

stainless-steel standing closet, with hardened seat, back drain


AUZ 08 is a stainless-steel WC in matt design. To increase the user comfort, it is provided with a grey seat with a lid made of hardened plastic (newly also with a seat in black design AUZ 08.CS). AUZ 08 is designed to stand on the floor at the wall; it is suitable for places where the common closet cannot be attached to the wall, because of a thin bearing particle, for example. The standard version of AUZ 08 has a back drain (the version with the bottom drain AUZ 02). It is suitable to supplement the WC with the automatic pressure water flushing device AUZ 3, automatic flushing device with the piezo button AUZ 3.P (or the vandal-resistant flushing device BSAZ 01) or any flushing device with a cistern.


Thanks to its resistance to damage, the closet is primarily intended for social facilities with demanding operation, such as highway lay-byes, alehouses, etc., where easy maintenance of sanitary conditions is required. WC is also manufactured in the design for the disabled under the designation AUZ 08 INV


Further closet versions can be found in the section Stainless-steel closets or Stainless-steel safety closets.


Basic technical information
Water inlet: d= 34-50 mm
Min. water flow: 70 l/min
Outlet: d= 90 mm
Weight: 23 kg
Requirements for setting up the construction
  1. Set-up outlet d = 110 mm including rubber sleeve for pipe d = 90 mm.
  2. Set-up water inlet d= 34-50 mm according to chosen sealing.
Complete delivery
  • Stainless steel closet
  • Plastic seat
  • Anchoring material
Made to order
  • AUZ 3 - automatic pressure flushing system
  • AUZ 3.P - automatic pressure flushing system with piezo control
  • BSAZ 01 - vandal resistant pressure flushing system
Tootekood: AZP-AUZ 08 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
2452,00 €

R/V teras WC pott ja valamu

AISI304 paksus 1,5 mm

Kinnitus poltidega läbi seina

Loputus ühendus 1"

WC äravool 100mm

Valamu ärravool 32mm


NB! Vee mehhanismid on vaja tellida eraldi


Tootekood: PCOMP-TP ,   Tarneaeg: 6-7 nädalad
2928,00 €

R/V teras WC pott ja valamu

AISI304 paksus 1,5 mm

Kinnitus poltidega läbi seina

Loputus ühendus 1"

WC äravool 100mm

Valamu ärravool 32mm


NB! Vee mehhanismid on vaja tellida eraldi


Tootekood: PCOMP-003TS ,   Tarneaeg: 6-7 nädalad
2928,00 €

R/V teras WC pott ja valamu

AISI304 paksus 1,5 mm

Kinnitus poltidega läbi seina

Loputus ühendus 1"

WC äravool 100mm

Valamu ärravool 32mm


NB! Vee mehhanismid on vaja tellida eraldi


Tootekood: PCOMP-TV ,   Tarneaeg: 6-7 nädalad
2928,00 €

Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan 
Ref. 161700

Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing left hand WC pan with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top, with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7-second time flow, M½".
Available with 2 buttons cold water/mixed water.
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7-second time flow, M¾".
Water inlet: washbasin M½", WC M¾".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin trap.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC, water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.



Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan 
Ref. 161700

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-161700 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4332,00 €

Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan 
Ref. 161800

Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing central WC pan with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top, with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7-second time flow, M½".
Available with 2 buttons cold water/mixed water.
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7-second time flow, M¾".
Water inlet: washbasin M½", WC M¾".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin trap.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC, water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.



Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan 
Ref. 161800

Height 1000mm
Length 850mm
Width 400mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-161800 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4332,00 €

Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan 
Ref. 161600

Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing right hand WC pan with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top, with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7-second time flow, M½".
Available with 2 buttons cold water/mixed water.
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7-second time flow, M¾".
Water inlet: washbasin M½", WC M¾".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin trap.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC, water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.



Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan 
Ref. 161600

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-161600 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4332,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 160700

Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing WC pan on left sidewith recessed toilet roll holder. 
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: 
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected. 
Weight: 36kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0610030007]



KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 160700

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-160700 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 160400

Combination unit: washbasin and suspended WC pan on left side with recessed toilet roll holder. 
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2". 
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4". 
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4". 
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected. 
Weight: 36kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0610030004]


KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 160400

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel


Tootekood: DE-160400 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 160800

Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing central WC panwith recessed toilet roll holder. 
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: 
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
WC pan central to the unit. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2". 
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4". 
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4". 
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected. 
Weight: 36kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0610030008]



KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 160800

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-160800 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 160300

Combination unit: washbasin and suspended WC pan on right side with recessed toilet roll holder. 
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2". 
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4". 
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4". 
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected. 
Weight: 36kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0610030003]



KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 160300

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-160300 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 160600

Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing WC pan on right side with recessed toilet roll holder. 
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: 
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected. 
Weight: 36kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0610030006]



KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 160600

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-160600 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 162400

Washbasin combination unit with cistern, mounted WC pan on left side with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.



KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 162400

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-162400 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4833,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 162700

Washbasin combination unit with cistern, floor-standing WC pan on left side with recessed toilet roll holder. 
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.


KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 162700

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-162700 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4833,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 162500

Washbasin combination unit with cistern, mounted WC pan in centre with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.



KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 162500

Height 1000mm
Length 850mm
Width 400mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-162500 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4833,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 162800

Washbasin combination unit with cistern, floor-standing WC pan in centre with recessed toilet roll holder. 
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.



KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 162800

Height 1000mm
Length 850mm
Width 400mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-162800 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4833,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 162600

Washbasin combination unit with cistern, floor-standing WC pan on right side with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.


KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 162600

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-162600 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4833,00 €

KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 166400

Combination unit: washbasin and suspended WC pan on left sidewith recessed toilet roll holder. 
Service duct installation (through-the-wall). 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: 
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Left hand WC pan 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2". 
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4". 
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4". 
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand). 
Weight: 30kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0616130004]


Technical features 

KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 166400

Height 1000mm
Length 615mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel 
Tootekood: DE-166400 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 166700

Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing WC pan on left sidewith recessed toilet roll holder. 
Service duct installation (through-the-wall). 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: 
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand). 
Weight: 30kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0616130007]



KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 166700

Height 1000mm
Length 615mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-166700 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 166500

Combination unit: washbasin and WC pan suspended centrallywith recessed toilet roll holder. 
Service duct installation (through-the-wall). 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: 
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Central WC pan 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2". 
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4". 
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4". 
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm 
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand). 
Weight: 30kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0616130005]



KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 166500

Height 1000mm
Length 615mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-166500 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 166800

Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing central WC panwith recessed toilet roll holder. 
Service duct installation (through-the-wall). 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: 
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand). 
Weight: 30kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0616130008]


KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 166800

Height 1000mm
Length 615mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-166800 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

Delabie KOMPACT TC WC+valamu vasakul põranda antivandaalne R/V teras AISI304

KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 166600

Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing WC pan on right sidewith recessed toilet roll holder. 
Service duct installation (through-the-wall). 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: 
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm 
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand). 
Weight: 30kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0616130006]


Technical features 

KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination 
Ref. 166600

Height 1000mm
Length 615mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel 
Tootekood: DE-166600 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 166300

Combination unit: washbasin and suspended WC pan on right sidewith recessed toilet roll holder. 
Wall-mounted with cross wall installation via a service duct. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: 
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2". 
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4". 
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4". 
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand). 
Weight: 30kg. 
[Formerly ref: 0616130003]



KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 166300

Height 1000mm
Length 615mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-166300 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 162300

Washbasin combination unit with cistern, mounted WC pan on right side with recessed toilet roll holder. 
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.



KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 162300

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-162300 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4833,00 €

KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 160500

Combination unit: washbasin and WC pan suspended centrallywith recessed toilet roll holder. 
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm. 
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc. 
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: 
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects. 
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2". 
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4". 
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4". 
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm 
Supplied with washbasin siphon. 
Easy installation: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected. 
Weight: 36kg 
[Formerly ref: 0610030005]



KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination 
Ref. 160500

Height 1000mm
Length 735mm
Width 725mm
Thickness 2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-160500 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
4172,00 €

SHA XS squat WC pan 
Ref. 113720

Floor-recessed squat WC pan, 500 x 325 x 600mm. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness 1.2mm. 
One-piece pressed WC bowl, seam-free for easy maintenance and better hygiene. 
Bowl shape suitable for male and female use. 
Non-slip foot area. 
Vertical waste outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Flushing system with one 304 stainless steel spreader.
Supplied with stainless steel trap welded to squat WC pan.
Weight: 7kg. 


SHA XS squat WC pan 
Ref. 113720

Height 30mm
Depth 325mm
Length 600mm
Width 500mm
Thickness 1.2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-113720 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
793,00 €

SHA 700 squat WC pan 
Ref. 113610

Floor-recessed squat WC pan, 700 x 220 x 700mm. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness 1.2mm. 
One-piece pressed WC bowl, seam-free for easy maintenance and better hygiene. 
Bowl shape suitable for male and female use. 
Non-slip foot area. 
Vertical waste outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Flushing system with one 304 stainless steel spreader. 
Weight: 6kg.10-year warranty.



SHA 700 squat WC pan 
Ref. 113610

Height 30mm
Depth 220mm
Length 700mm
Width 700mm
Thickness 1.2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-113610 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
671,00 €

SHA XS squat WC pan 
Ref. 113710

Floor-recessed squat WC pan, 500 x 220 x 600mm. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness 1.2mm. 
One-piece pressed WC bowl, seam-free for easy maintenance and better hygiene. 
Bowl shape suitable for male and female use. 
Non-slip foot area. 
Vertical waste outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Flushing system with one 304 stainless steel spreader. 
Weight: 5kg.



SHA XS squat WC pan 
Ref. 113710

Height 30mm
Depth 220mm
Length 600mm
Width 500mm
Thickness 1.2mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-113710 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
535,00 €
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