Mediclinics offers these products for the purpose of improving the quality of life of people with reduced mobility.
Solutions with several ergonomics and functionalities and with the possibility of having different materials and finishes. Mediclinics offers professionals a wide range of grab bars for toilets to help persons with reduced mobility use the facilities. Within this range, two product lines are available:
Medinox Series
State of the art design, high durability and easy to maintain. The process used for bending the grab bars guarantees uniformity in the diameter of its curves. Built using AISI 304 stainless steel with a bright and satin finish. Mediepoxy Series
Solutions manufactured with a corrosion resistant treatment, ideal for very harsh environments, with a low need for maintenance and long durability. The grab bars for toilets are made of steel with an epoxy finish.
Mediclinics grab bars for toilets include a snap flange cover for installation out of sight, offering a perfect visual finish and allowing to be easily blended in with the decoration of the room.
Apart from the grab bars for toilet, Mediclinics provides shower seats made of AISI 304 stainlesssteel, which are robust, safe and suitable for installation in harsh environments.
Tootekirjeldus: Säästke aega jaoturite taastäitmisel Tork Interfold Compressed Z-fold kätepaberitega. Tänu 50% kokkusurumisele mahub jaoturisse kaks korda rohkem pabereid, vähendades täitmise sagedust. Pehmed ja imavad kätepaberid tagavad kasutajatele luksusliku kogemuse. Lehthaaval väljastamine parandab hügieeni ja vähendab jäätmeid, kuna külastajad puudutavad ainult kasutatavat lehte. Ideaalne Tork Xpress Multifold jaoturitele, mis sobivad ka väiksematesse ruumidesse.
Peamised eelised:
Pehme ja paks kätepaber pakub mugavust.
Ükshaaval väljastamine vähendab tarbimist ja jäätmeid.
50% kokkusurumine võimaldab suuremat mahtu ja harvemat täitmist.
Sobib vähese kuni keskmise külastatavusega pesuruumidesse.