
Kvaliteetne Santehnika ja Vannitoa Aksessuaarid | 

Kui plaanite remonti või vannitoa uuendamist, soovitame tutvuda Hollandi brändi Haceka KOSMOS sarjaga. Stiilsed aksessuaarid populaarsete värvilahendustega. Head hinnad ja enamik aksessuaare on laos olemas.

Me oleme teiega juba 9 aastat! Avastage PEGU.EE-st kvaliteetsete santehnika- ja tarvikute lai valik, sealhulgas prügikastid, kätekuivatid, dušikomplektid, koristajavalamud, laborisegistid ja hädaabidušid. Lisage sobivad tooted ostukorvi ja kasutage juunikuu promokoodi PEGU-SUVI, et saada erihindu! Promokood kehtib toodetele, mis ei osale teistes kampaaniates.

Uued tooted Vaata veel

Valamusegisti kontaktivaba IR sensoriga Touchless Damixa Core 6V Matt must


  • Keraamiline kassett
  • Standardne paigaldus
  • Veekulu maksimaalselt 5 l/min
  • Lihtne temperatuuri ja vooluhulga reguleerimine
  • Väike takjapaelaga kinnitatud patareikonteiner
  • Ei nõua lisaruumi
  • Hügieeniline


Damixa Core'iga oleme loonud kõikehõlmava lahenduse ehitusprojektideks, mis rahuldab nii kliendi kui ka lõppkasutaja vajadusi. Lahendus, kus saame märkida kõik keskkonna- ja dokumentatsiooninõuded tööstuses, ja samal ajal täiendada seda esmaklassilise teenindusega.

Core by Damixa räägib kasutajasõbralikku funktsionaalset keelt, millest saavad kõik aru, ja te ei saa midagi ette heita ajatu kinnitusdisainiga, mis on saadaval nii mati mustana kui ka kroomina. Seeria on loomulikult saadaval nii köögi, vanni kui ka duši jaoks ja on seega täielik alates tarnimisest kuni kasutamiseni. Projekti seeria, mis on viimistletud kõige detailideni. Kogu olemus. Lõigatud südamikuni.

Tootekood: CORE-02261 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
365,00 €

Käteräti-,mantlikuivati elektriline messingist 1624mm Margaroli PANORAMA 686L kroom 

Käterätikuivati on valmistatud messingist. (brass)

Полотенцесушители выполнены из латуни

Käterätikuivati elektrielemendi kaitse IP67

Käterätikuivati elektrikätikuivatile IP44-IP55

Степень защиты электрического элемента IP67

Степень защиты электрического полотенцесушителя IP44-IP55

Maksimaalne temperatuur 60°C

максимальная температура 60°C

Võimalikud viimistlused Chroom +...%

Возможные покрытия Chroom +...%


Tootekood: MAR-EL-686L CR ,   Tarneaeg: 6-7 näadala
850,95 € (7%)
915,00 €

Käterätikuivati elektriline messingist 520x520mm Margaroli Quadri 810/3 kroom 


Fixed modular heated towel rail in brass squared tube 25x25mm / 30x30mm

Käterätikuivati on valmistatud messingist. (brass)

Полотенцесушители выполнены из латуни

Käterätikuivati elektrielemendi kaitse IP67

Käterätikuivati elektrikätikuivatile IP44-IP55

Степень защиты электрического элемента IP67

Степень защиты электрического полотенцесушителя IP44-IP55

Maksimaalne temperatuur 60°C

максимальная температура 60°C

Võimalikud viimistlused Chroom +...%

Возможные покрытия Chroom +...%


Tootekood: MAR-EL-810/3 CR ,   Tarneaeg: 6-7 näadala
1655,40 € (7%)
1780,00 €

Käteräti-,mantlikuivati elektriline messingist 837mm Margaroli PANORAMA 686S kroom 

Käterätikuivati on valmistatud messingist. (brass)

Полотенцесушители выполнены из латуни

Käterätikuivati elektrielemendi kaitse IP67

Käterätikuivati elektrikätikuivatile IP44-IP55

Степень защиты электрического элемента IP67

Степень защиты электрического полотенцесушителя IP44-IP55

Maksimaalne temperatuur 60°C

максимальная температура 60°C

Võimalikud viimistlused Chroom +...%

Возможные покрытия Chroom +...%


Tootekood: MAR-EL-686S CR ,   Tarneaeg: 6-7 näadala
567,30 € (7%)
610,00 €

Valamusegisti Damixa Core, bidee dušiga matt must

Standard features:

1 handle
Ceramic cartridge
Water consumption max.6 l/min 


Damixa Core'iga oleme loonud kõikehõlmava lahenduse ehitusprojektideks, mis rahuldab nii kliendi kui ka lõppkasutaja vajadusi. Lahendus, kus saame märkida kõik keskkonna- ja dokumentatsiooninõuded tööstuses, ja samal ajal täiendada seda esmaklassilise teenindusega.

Core by Damixa räägib kasutajasõbralikku funktsionaalset keelt, millest saavad kõik aru, ja te ei saa midagi ette heita ajatu kinnitusdisainiga, mis on saadaval nii mati mustana kui ka kroomina. Seeria on loomulikult saadaval nii köögi, vanni kui ka duši jaoks ja on seega täielik alates tarnimisest kuni kasutamiseni. Projekti seeria, mis on viimistletud kõige detailideni. Kogu olemus. Lõigatud südamikuni.

Tootekood: CORE-03061 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
206,10 € (10%)
229,00 €

Keraamiline pissuaar Livo radariga Sanela,  integreeritud adapter 230V/ AC



Urinal Livo with a radar flushing unit and integrated power supply, 230 V AC



  • economy flushing by 1 liter of water
  • easy installation by the help of paper drill template
  • whole flushing unit is placed behind the urinal
  • system reacts only on the direct use of the urinal (it analyses changes, which are proceeded inside of the urinal, when a liquid is flowing through)
  • adjustable flushing time 0,5 - 15,5 s
  • parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 04 (without the necessity to dismantle the urinal from the wall)
  • automatic flushing after each 6 hours non-use
  • possibility to regulate a water flow by the ball valve
  • radar flushing unit recharges a water to the siphon after each flushing
Order number 01315 
Code SLP 31RZ 

Supply specification

SLP 31RZ - Supply No. 01315 - ceramic urinal with the radar flushing unit on the mounting rail, electromagnetic valve, connecting hoses, angle valve with filter and check valve, inlet fitting with a rubber seal, siphon, mounting set, paper drill template, power supply

Technical information

Operating voltage:230 V AC/50 Hz
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 18 l/min (inf. data)
Water inlet: male thread G 1/2“
Water outlet: inlet fitting with a rubber sealing
Tootekood: SA-SLP31RZ ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
878,40 € (10%)
976,00 €

Eumar valamu Carre 210C


Carre on valmistatud CreaCore'i siidmattist tahkest pinnast, ühtlase värvi ja materjaliga, ristkülikukujulised seinale kinnitatavad, mööblipealsed ühekordsed kraanikausid. Ainulaadne peidetud äravool ülihügieenilise väljanägemise ja väiksema puhastustööga, mis lisab üldisele kujundusele lõpmatu kvaliteedi. Kraaniauguga, ilma ülevooluta. Suurus: 2100 * 130 * 520mm. Kaal: 51kg. Seinakraani korral tellige palun võimalus ilma kraaniavata (kood XXXX). Integreeritud käterätiku tilk-ava, Ambi LED-öötuli esipaneeli all saadavalolevate lisadena. toote väärtus, esteetiline välimus ja funktsionaalsus. Õmblusteta ja hügieeniline, mittepoorne ja antibakteriaalne, praktiline ja hõlpsasti hooldatav, esteetiline ja vastupidav, parandatav ja taastuv, termolöögikindel, mis vastavad CE-standardi (EN 14688) nõuetele. Kõiki tooteid on maksimaalse mugavuse ja vastupidavuse saavutamiseks põhjalikult testitud.

Carre изготовлен из шелковисто-матовой твердой поверхности CreaCore, сплошного цвета и материала по всей поверхности, прямоугольные настенные, одинарные мебельные умывальники. Уникальный скрытый слив для сверхгигиеничного внешнего вида и снижения затрат на очистку, что придает безграничное качество общему дизайну. С отверстием под смеситель, без перелива. Размер: 2100 * 130 * 520 мм. Вес: 51кг. В случае настенного смесителя, пожалуйста, закажите опцию «без отверстия под кран» (код XXXX). Встроенное отверстие для полотенец, светодиодный ночник Ambi под передней панелью в качестве дополнительных опций, бесшовное соединение под передней панелью умывальника, столешница или нижняя полка увеличивают ценность, эстетичный внешний вид и функциональность продукта. Бесшовные и гигиеничные, непористые и антибактериальные, практичные и простые в уходе, эстетичные и долговечные, ремонтопригодные и возобновляемые, термостойкие, соответствующие требованиям стандарта CE (EN 14688). Все продукты проходят тщательные испытания для достижения максимального комфорта и долговечности.


Carre made of CreaCore silky-mat solid surface with solid color and material all the way throughout, rectangular Wall-mounted, Furniture-top single-Washbasins. Unique hidden drain for ultra-hygienic look and reduced cleaning efforts which adds an infinite quality to the overall design. With tap hole, without overflow. Size: 2100*130*520mm. Weight: 51kg. In case of wall faucet please order ‘no tap hole’ option (code XXXX) Integrated towel drop opening, Ambi LED night light under the front panel as available extras, seamlessly incorporated under front panel of the washbasin, countertop or shelf bellow will increase the value, aesthetic appearance and functionality of the product. Seamless and hygienic, nonporous and anti-bacterial, practical and easy to maintain, aesthetic and durable, repairable and renewable, thermo shock resistant, that meet the requirements of the CE standard (EN 14688). All products are thoroughly tested to achieve maximum comfort and durability.


Võimalikud lisad :

Funktsionaalsed lisad / functional add-ons


Kohandamine / customization






Tootekood: EU-486-2105-80 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1400,56 € (20%)
1750,70 €
R/V teras veetrapp, D75 mm vertikaalne, 150x150mm
On võimalik versioonid , vertikaalsed, horisontaalsed D50mm,75mm,110mm

PV 01

stainless steel floor trap


PV 01 is a fully stainless floor trap with braz designed to drain showers, industrial premises and other inner spaces. The trap is designed as stepping (not driven-over). The trap is made of AISI 304 quality stainless steel. Detergents containing chlorine must not be used for cleaning. If chlorine is contained in the environment, we recommend custom-made model of another material (e.g. AISI 316).

For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1). 

We produce other custom-made models – outlet d = 50 mm, 110 mm; without rim for waterproofing; alternative cover grid (mesh); without braz; with adjustable height, etc. Send us your requirements, we will promptly answer!


Version types
PV 01.D.75.P - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap, outlet down, rim for waterproofing, not adjustable
PV 01.D.75.S - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing, adjustable
PV 01.B.75.P - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side, rim for waterproofing, not adjustable
PV 01.B.75.S - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.D.50.P - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.D.50.S - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.B.50.P - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.B.50.S - - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.D.110.P - floor trap d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.D.110.S - floor trap d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.B.110.P - floor trap t d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.B.110.S - floor trap d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
Basic technical information
Minimum inner diameter: 70 mm
Diameter of connecting sewerage pipe: 75 mm
Water flow: min. 50 lts / min
Loading class: K3
Weight: 2,2 kg
Complete delivery
  • Trap body
  • Grid with braz cover
  • Hook to pull up the grid


Requirements for setting up the construction
  1. Completed sewerage drains terminated by DN 75 coupling
  2. Prepared hole in the floor with diameter min. 300 mm (200 mm without rim for waterproofing) and depth min. 120 mm
Tootekood: AZP-PV 01.D.75.P ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
380,70 € (10%)
423,00 €

Haceka Kosmos 1208491 vannikäepide 30cm

Information Haceka Kosmos Bath grip

  • Brand name Haceka
  • Colour group White
  • Dimensions 30x8x5cm
  • Item number 1208491
  • EAN number 8718848201658

Product features Haceka Kosmos Bath grip

  • Product title Haceka Kosmos bath grip mat white 30cm
  • Product description The design of Kosmos gives your bathroom a timeless, robust look. Back to basics: clean lines and modern.
  • Width 300 mm
  • Depth 76 mm
  • Height 53 mm
  • Colour White
  • Material Zamac, Stainless Steel - Inox
  • Surface finish Powder Coated
Tootekood: HAS-1208491 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
51,85 € (15%)
61,00 €

• Bathroom towel rail with shelf, with four fixation points and a hidden wall mounting system, made of AISI 304 stainless steel, from Mediclinics’ Aura series.

• With an up-to-date design which brings elegance and creativity to your bathroom, this towel rail with shelf allows you to keep your towels tidy and nearby for a greater level of comfort when getting out of the shower.

• The high quality of the stainless steel makes this bathroom accessory very resistant and durable.

• Its four fixation points and hidden wall mounting system allow this bathroom towel rail with shelf to be securely fixed to the wall with the screws perfectly out of sight.

• An essential bathroom accessory, this towel rail is ideal for bathrooms in hotels, hospitals and nursing homes, as well as for your own home.

• Product suitable for public use.

• Includes stainless steel hardware for installation on brick walls.

Tootekood: MAI1323C ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
159,30 € (10%)
177,00 €
Sorteerimise prügikastid Brabantia | Vaata veel

Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Brilliant Steel

  • All-rounder - M volume (20L).
  • Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
  • Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
  • Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
  • Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
  • No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
  • Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
  • Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
  • Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
  • More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
Made in: 
6.1 lb  (20L)
Height: 46,7 cm
Length: 38 cm
Width: 29 cm
Capacity: 20 litres
Diameter: 29 cm
Tootekood: BRAB-113987 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
72,28 € (10%)
80,32 €

Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Dreamy Blue

  • All-rounder - M volume (20L).
  • Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
  • Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
  • Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
  • Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
  • No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
  • Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
  • Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
  • Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
  • More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
Made in: 
6.1 lb  (20L)
Height: 46,7 cm
Length: 38 cm
Width: 29 cm
Capacity: 20 litres
Diameter: 29 cm
Tootekood: BRAB-202544 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
91,50 € (10%)
101,67 €

Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Matt Must

  • All-rounder - M volume (20L).
  • Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
  • Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
  • Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
  • Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
  • No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
  • Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
  • Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
  • Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
  • More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
Made in: 
6.1 lb  (20L)
Height: 46,7 cm
Length: 38 cm
Width: 29 cm
Capacity: 20 litres
Diameter: 29 cm
Tootekood: BRAB-114106 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
72,28 € (10%)
80,32 €

Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Matt steel

Benefits & Features
  • All-rounder - M volume (20L).
  • Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
  • Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
  • Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
  • Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
  • No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
  • Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
  • Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
  • Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
  • More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
Made in: 
6.1 lb  (20L)
Height: 46,7 cm
Length: 38 cm
Width: 29 cm
Capacity: 20 litres
Diameter: 29 cm
Tootekood: BRAB-114021 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
72,28 € (10%)
80,32 €

Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Matt Steel FPP

  • All-rounder - M volume (20L).
  • Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
  • Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
  • Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
  • Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
  • No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
  • Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
  • Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
  • Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
  • More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
Made in: 
6.1 lb  (20L)
Height: 46,7 cm
Length: 38 cm
Width: 29 cm
Capacity: 20 litres
Diameter: 29 cm
Tootekood: BRAB-111907 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
91,50 € (10%)
101,67 €



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