SanTRAL® Plus OBU 25 E ST avatud prügikast, 25L, roostevaba teras
SanTRAL® Plus OBU 25 E ST avatud prügikast, 25L, roostevaba teras
SanTRAL® Plus OBU 25 E ST on hügieeniline ja vastupidav avatud prügikast, mis on valmistatud harjatud roostevabast terasest ning kaetud sõrmejäljevastase pinnakattega, mis hoiab pinna puhtamana ja lihtsustab hooldust.
- Mahutavus: 25 liitrit
- Materjal: roostevaba teras harjatud viimistlusega
- Sõrmejäljevastane kate – vähendab määrdumist ja lihtsustab puhastamist
- Kaldus avaus – mugav jäätmete äraviskamine, samal ajal peidab sisu
- Varjatud prügikotihoidik – esteetiline ja puhas välimus
- Paigaldus: seinale kinnitatav või vabalt seisev
- Smart Ready – võimalik lisada nutikas jälgimis- ja tagasisidefunktsioon
- Mõõdud: 306 × 430 × 212 mm
Sobib kasutamiseks avalikes ruumides, kontorites, restoranides, kaubanduskeskustes ja tervishoiuasutustes. Tänu vastupidavale konstruktsioonile ja nutikale disainile tagab see pikaajalise ja hügieenilise lahenduse igapäevaseks kasutamiseks.
Prügikast flip-top kaanega seinale 10L teras VALGE
382x280x141 mm
• Manual 10-liter capacity female hygiene container made of 0.8mm thick steel.
• Removable container head with manual closing flip-top lid, handle, and integrated waste collection reservoir for discreet disposal of hygiene items. Specially designed to prevent content visibility.
• Also suitable for disposing of used diapers
• Highly resistant and hygienic. Easy to clean and maintain.
• Sturdy and vandal-resistant, this container is suitable for highly frequented washrooms. Suitable model for collective use.
• It can be leaned directly on the floor or attached to the wall.
• Screws not supplied.
220,00 €
Delabie TEMPOMIX ajavooluga dušisegisti sisseehitav, ref.790218
TEMPOMIX ajavooluga dušisegisti (Ref. 790218) on ideaalne lahendus avalike ja eraasutuste duširuumidesse, pakkudes kasutusmugavust ja veesäästlikkust. Sisseehitatav segisti on varustatud vandalismikindla roostevabast terasest juhtpaneeliga (160 × 220 mm) ning pehme vajutusega nupuga, mis aktiveerib umbes 30-sekundilise veevoolu.
- Ajavoolutehnoloogia: ~30 sekundit ühe vajutusega
- Temperatuuri reguleerimine ja maksimaalse temperatuuri piiraja
- Veekulu: 12 l/min (3 bar juures, reguleeritav)
- Roostevabast terasest viimistlus ja kroomitud vandalismikindel juhtpaneel
- Peidetud kinnitus ja sisseehitatud tagasilöögiklapid ning filtrid
- Komplektis sulgventiilid (½")
Paigaldamiseks soovitame tellida veekindel sisseehitatav korpus TEMPOMIX Ref. 790BOX.
Leia vastupidav ja säästlik dušisegisti!
515,00 €
Pedaaliga prügikast 5L teras, must epoxy
• Indoor circular body waste bins, 5L capacity, made of steel, black finish and operated by means of a pedal, to rest directly on the floor.
• Suitable for washrooms and in-doors public areas. Models suitable for public use.
• Strong plastic inner bucket - easy to clean and to remove the bin liner.
• Smooth and silent closing lid that avoids bad odors.
• Sturdy carrying handle - easy to move the bin.
55,00 €
Hügieeni prõgikast 2,3L Bobrick Harjatud roostevaba teras
Kosmos Edge käteräthark pööratav, HACEKA grafiit hall
Seina kinnitusega
Product features Haceka Edge Towel rail swing
Product titleHaceka Edge towel rail single swing graphite 39cm
Product descriptionThe Edge series from Haceka gives your bathroom a modern geometric look. Edge is available in a complete range of trendy rectangular accessories.
Width36 mm
Depth392 mm
Height54 mm
MaterialZamac, Stainless Steel - Inox
Surface finishPVD plated
Gloss levelMatt
83,00 €
Kosmos Edge varurullihoidel, HACEKA grafiit hall
Seina kinnitusega
Product features Haceka Edge Toilet roll holder spare rolls
Product titleHaceka Edge toilet roll holder 3 spare rolls graphite
Product descriptionThe Edge series from Haceka gives your bathroom a modern geometric look. Edge is available in a complete range of trendy rectangular accessories.
Width72 mm
Depth97 mm
Height349 mm
MaterialZamac, Stainless Steel - Inox
Surface finishPVD plated
Gloss levelMatt
73,00 €
Vahuseebi dosaator seinale TrimLineSeries 1000ml Harjatud RST
Sisu Presto varuosa P2000/2010/2020
84,00 €
Kosmos Edge 2-ne käterätipuu 60CM , HACEKA grafiit hall
Käterätipuu 2-ne , seinale
Seina kinnitusega
Product features Haceka Edge Towel rail double short
Product titleHaceka Edge towel rail double graphite 60cm
Product descriptionThe Edge series from Haceka gives your bathroom a modern geometric look. Edge is available in a complete range of trendy rectangular accessories.
Width625 mm
Depth129 mm
Height54 mm
MaterialZamac, Stainless Steel - Inox
Surface finishPVD plated
Gloss levelMatt
168,00 €
Segistikomplekt vannile Damixa Silhouet termostaat tilaga ja dušš liftiga matt valge
735,00 €
16,00 €
Dušitugi L-kujuline 800x800x70 RST poleeritud
Horisontaalne nurga käetugi, 3-punkti kinnitus. Toru d 32 mm.
• 90º wall to wall horizontal grab bar for showers, baths and changing rooms, with three anchoring points and with snap flange covers, made with stainless steel tube, folded in an "L" shape at 90º.
• Designed to achieve barrier-free accessibility in bathrooms and public spaces. This grab bar is suitable for specific spaces for the elderly or people with reduced mobility. Model suitable for collectivities.
• Stainless steel gives this bar great durability and great resistance to rust.
• The bar has three snap flange covers that conceal the anchoring screws to the wall and reinforce, even more, the beauty of the product once installed.
• Optionally, these bars can be electrically isolated by installing the Electrical Isolation Kit code KA0020.
• Supplied with all the necessary hardware to fix the bar to a brick wall.
General description
Mediepoxi / Medinox series
BD0700C BD0700CS Bright finish Satin finish
90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar for showers, baths and changing rooms, with three anchoring points and with snap flange covers, made with stainless steel tube, folded in an "L" shape at 90o.
Designed to achieve barrier-free accessibility in bathrooms and public spaces. This grab bar is suitable for specific spaces for the elderly or people with reduced mobility. Model suitable for collectivities.
Stainless steel gives this bar great durability and great resistance to rust.
The bar has three snap flange covers that conceal the anchoring screws to the wall and reinforce, even more, the beauty of the product once
Optionally, these bars can be electrically isolated by installing the Electrical Isolation Kit code KA0020.
Supplied with all the necessary hardware to fix the bar to a brick wall.
Components and materials
BD2700: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 201 stainless steel tube white finish.
BD2700B: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 201 stainless steel tube matte black finish.
BD0700C: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 304 stainless steel tube bright finish.
BD0700CS: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 304 stainless steel tube satin finish.
TUBING: made of stainless steel 32 mm diameter tube, seamless construction. The bending process guarantees the uniformity of the
diameter along the bends.
CONCEALED WALL BRACKET: three units made of stainless steel sheet, 3 mm thick and joined to the bar by welding to the ends of the
tube. It has three holes (BD2700 and BD2700B) or two holes (other references), with a diameter of 6.5 mm that allow the fixing of the bar
to the wall.
SNAP FLANGE COVER: three units that conceal the installation screws made of 1.5 mm thick polypropylene (BD2700 and BD2700B) or
0.8 mm thick stainless steel (other references).
180,00 €
Newicon Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast 30l, vaikselt sulguva kaanega Matt Steel
This 30 liter bucket perfectly fits into your kitchen or office.
• Silently closing lid and specially easy pedal operation
• Odor-proof sealing
• Easy to clean - removable insert
• Stable stand thanks to a non-slip bottom and tilt protection
• Easy to move - clever handle with lid hinge
• Unproblematic use - made of high-quality materials
100,65 €
76,25 €
255,00 €
Pedaaliga prügikast, soft-close Brabantia BO, 11+23L Platinum
Pedaaliga avatav.
Vaikselt sulguv.
Kerge puhastada - eemaldatav ämber.
Mittelibisev põhi.
Lõhnakindel. Kõrgus: 440mm, laius: 540mm, sügavus: 365mm
184,02 €
Garderoobiriiul Frost UNU, nagidega 600mm, matt must/poleeritud kuld
Alumiiniumist garderoobiriiul
Tootja FROST, Taani
kõrgus 100mm
pikkus 600mm
sügavus 150mm
kaal 2,6 kg
335,00 €
For 10-30mm shelf (2 pcs./set) Available in 6 finishes. Q3046
165,00 €
Peeglikapp 4 funktsiooniga: kraan, seebidosaator, paberkäterätikute dosaator
Ref. 510206
Stiilne ja multifunktsionaalne peeglikapp, mis ühendab 4 praktilist funktsiooni: peegel, kontaktivaba kraan, automaatne seebidosaator ja paberkäterätikute dosaator. Valmistatud kvaliteetsest 304 roostevabast terasest ja kaetud mati musta melamiinviimistlusega.
- Puutevaba hügieen: kraan ja seebidosaator aktiveeruvad infrapunanduritega.
- Lihtne paigaldada: üks elektriühendus ja reguleeritavad kinnitused tagavad kiire ja sujuva paigalduse.
- Moodne disain: LED-valgustusega piktogrammid ja musta klaasi detailid sobivad igasse keskkonda.
- Automaatne kraan: reguleeritav veevool (1,4–6 l/min), katlakivivastane mehhanism ja kaitse vee stagnatsiooni vastu.
- Seebidosaator: suur 5-liitrine paak, sobib vedelseebile või vahuseebile.
- Paberkäterätikute dosaator: mugav ja ökonoomne lahendus ühe paberi korraga väljastamiseks (mahutavus 500 lehte).
- LED-valgustus valamu kohal ja praktiline sisemine hoiuruum.
Mõõdud: 800 x 223 x 1,000 mm.
Ideaalne nii kodu- kui ka avalikesse ruumidesse, kus vajatakse usaldusväärset ja stiilset sanitaartehnikat.
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Mirror, electronic tap, soap dispenser and paper towel dispenser
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Ref. 510206Designer cabinet with a matte black melamine and 304 stainless steel finish.
Touch-free for improved hygiene: tap and soap dispenser activated automatically when hands are detected by infrared sensor.
Quick and easy to install:
- A single electrical connection for all the elements: mains supply with 230V / 50-60Hz.
- Connects to the water supply from the top or from inside the cabinet.
- Water connection in M3/8".
- Concealed fixings. Mirror cabinet supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete or reinforced wood.
- Adjustable hinges.
Unit with 4 functions:
4mm thick glass mirror and black glass strip with illuminated pictograms.
Automatic soap dispenser:
- No-waste pump dispenser
- Large capacity tank: 5 litres.
- Suitable for vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Electronic basin tap*:
- Reduced stagnation valve.
- Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
- Scale-resistant flow straightener.
- Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
- Stopcock.
Paper towel dispenser:
- Dispenses one sheet at a time.
- Dimensions: 120 x 275 x 360mm.
- Contents: 500 sheets.
Basin lit by the LED strip.
Vandal-resistant model with standard DELABIE key.
Anti-blocking: stops automatically if used continuously.
Internal storage shelf.
Several cabinets can be installed side-by-side to create a mirror wall: linking screws are provided.
Dimensions: 800 x 223 x 1,000mm.
Weight: 38.5kg.
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Ref. 510206Supply | Mains: 230V / 50-60Hz |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Height | 1,000mm |
Depth | 223mm |
Width | 800mm |
Flow rate | Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 9 lpm |
Thickness | Glass mirror: 4mm |
Finish | Matte black melamine and 304 stainless steel |
3172,00 €
Süvistatav prügikast
süvistussügavus 150mm
Diameeter 380mm
Mahtuvus 2,5l/20-30 lehte
Koti mõõt 39x28CM
Nähtav osa :
Rõngas :poleeritud kroom, naturaalne messing.
harjatud kroom, harjatud R/V teras või 14 rinevat
Mahuti materjal :värvitud PC/ABS
RS1/B Must Mahuti
2-ne Valamu jalaga 1200x700, kõrgus 850mm , R/V teras
Нержавеющая большегрузная двойная мойка на ножках, 1200 x 700 x 850 мм
- stainless steel bulk double-sink with a sheating
- without a tap hole (could be made to order)
- possibility of fine plane regulation by the regulation screws on the supporting legs
- possibility to order inner sinks in dimensions: 400 x 300 x 200 mm/ 400 x 400 x 250 mm/ 400 x 400 x 200 mm
- available also in the length 1400 mm
- material CrNi 18/10 (AISI-304)
- brushed finish
- different dimensions could be made to order
Арт. № | 93160 |
Название | SLUN 16 |
Kroom FMM-nr:1641-0000
- Temperatuuriseade nupuga, akutoitel (aku kaasas)
- Vandalismikindel, kest üleni metallist
- ECO funktsioon (vett ja energiat säästev õhusti 5 l/min)
- Aegreleega loputuse lõpetus üleujutamise vältimiseks
- 30-sekundiline loputusaeg (anduriga)
- Võimalik välja lülitada 60 sekundiks (näiteks puhastamiseks)
- Madal voolutarve, pikk eluiga
- Võimalik kuuma veega läbi loputada, et desinfitseerida legionella vastu
- IP-klassi andur, IP67
- Keskkonnasõbralik materjal, pliivaba, niklivaba
Paigaldamine: - Anduri automaatne kalibreering
- Pärast seadistamist sobivale temperatuurile, on võimalik nupp asendada ehiskaanega
- Kõiki mudeleid on võimalik kasutada nii 6V aku toitel või 12V vooluadapteriga
- Võrguvoolu kasutamiseks on tarvis paigaldada vooluadapter 1623-0000 ja toide FMM 1619-4000 või teise võimalusena trafo FMM 1619-3000
- Pehmed PEX® voolikud koos integreeritud tagasilöögiklappide ja filtritega (roostevabast terasest)
- Ava läbimõõt Ø 33,5–37 mm
Seaded: - Reguleeritav maksimaalne temperatuur
- Programmeeritav hügieeniloputuse funktsioon
- Seadistatav loputusaeg
Keskselt juhitav mudel: - Komplektis kaabel, millega on võimalik juhtida hügieeniloputust
- Loputus toimub, kui sissevool on suletud
Aeraator M24x1-A kroom, (vanni, dushi, thermostaat segistile)
Aeraator Presto 291***
32,00 €
Veesääst 60% (konstant)isoflow.
Aeraator segisti jooksutorule M22x1 (sisekeere). Roostevabast terasest sõel. Toodetud Saksamaal. Pakendis 1 tk.
Aeraator Kroom valamusegistile HV1
Aeraator Kroom käägisegisti VOLA
Aeraator matt käägisegisti VOLA