Köögisegisti FM Mattsson 9000XE harjatud kroom, integreeritud elektroonilise nõudepesumasina ventiiliga
FM Mattsson 9000XE köögisegisti ühendab kaasaegse tehnoloogia ja elegantse disaini. Harjatud kroomviimistlus lisab köögile stiilse välimuse ja vastupidavuse. Integreeritud elektrooniline nõudepesumasina ventiil tagab kasutusmugavuse ja energiasäästu.
- Külmkäivitusfunktsioon energiasäästuks
- Keraamiline kassett pehme sulgemise funktsiooniga
- Reguleeritav vooluhulk ja temperatuuripiiraja
- Eco Flow aerator vee- ja energiasäästuks
- Pöörlev tila, piirang 60°, 85°, 110° või 360°
- Integreeritud elektrooniline nõudepesumasina ventiil, automaatne sulgemine 4 või 12 tunni järel
- Pehmed PEX® voolikud 3/8" ühendusmutriga (roostevabast terasest punutud)
- Valmistatud pliivabast materjalist
- Ava diameeter Ø34–37 mm
FM Mattsson 9000XE on ideaalne lahendus igasse kaasaegsesse kööki!
9000XE kitchen mixer
- Cold Start
- Ceramic cartridge with soft closing function
- Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter
- Eco Flow (energy and water saving aerator)
- Swivel spout, limitation part for 60°, 85°, 110° or 360° included
- With integrated electronic dish washer cut-off, automatic shut-off after 4 or 12 hours
- Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut (stainless steel braided)
- Lead Free material
- Hole diameter Ø34-37 mm
Köögisegisti FM Mattsson 9000XE kroom, integreeritud elektroonilise nõudepesumasina ventiiliga
FM Mattsson 9000XE köögisegisti ühendab kaasaegse tehnoloogia ja elegantse disaini. Integreeritud elektrooniline nõudepesumasina ventiil tagab kasutusmugavuse ja energiasäästu.
- Külmkäivitusfunktsioon energiasäästuks
- Keraamiline kassett pehme sulgemise funktsiooniga
- Reguleeritav vooluhulk ja temperatuuripiiraja
- Eco Flow aerator vee- ja energiasäästuks
- Pöörlev tila, piirang 60°, 85°, 110° või 360°
- Integreeritud elektrooniline nõudepesumasina ventiil, automaatne sulgemine 4 või 12 tunni järel
- Pehmed PEX® voolikud 3/8" ühendusmutriga (roostevabast terasest punutud)
- Valmistatud pliivabast materjalist
- Ava diameeter Ø34–37 mm
FM Mattsson 9000XE on ideaalne lahendus igasse kaasaegsesse kööki!
9000XE kitchen mixer
- Cold Start
- Ceramic cartridge with soft closing function
- Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter
- Eco Flow (energy and water saving aerator)
- Swivel spout, limitation part for 60°, 85°, 110° or 360° included
- With integrated electronic dish washer cut-off, automatic shut-off after 4 or 12 hours
- Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut (stainless steel braided)
- Lead Free material
- Hole diameter Ø34-37 mm
Rubbermaid Slim Jim prügikasti ratastega alus, liidetav, plastik, must
Rubbermaid Slim Jim prügikasti kaas, hall
Halli värvi kaas Slim Jim 60 ja 87 l prügikastile.
FM Mattsson 9000XE CARE köögisegisti – kroom, pika käepidemega, energiasäästlik ja pliivaba
FM Mattsson 9000XE CARE köögisegisti on disainitud praktiliseks ja mugavaks kasutamiseks. Pikk käepide muudab segisti eriti kasutajasõbralikuks. Kroomviimistlus tagab elegantse välimuse ja vastupidavuse.
- Pikk käepide lihtsaks ja mugavaks kasutamiseks
- Külmkäivitusfunktsioon energiasäästuks
- Keraamiline kassett pehme sulgemise funktsiooniga
- Reguleeritav vooluhulk ja temperatuuripiiraja
- Eco Flow aerator vee- ja energiasäästuks
- Pöörlev tila, piirang 60°, 85°, 110° või 360°
- Pehmed PEX® voolikud 3/8" ühendusmutriga (roostevabast terasest punutud)
- Valmistatud pliivabast materjalist
- Ava diameeter Ø34–37 mm
FM Mattsson 9000XE CARE on ideaalne valik kaasaegsele ja praktilisele köögile!
9000XE care kitchen mixer
- Cold Start
- Ceramic cartridge with soft closing function
- Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter
- Eco Flow (energy and water saving aerator)
- Swivel spout, limitation part for 60°, 85°, 110° or 360° included
- Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut (stainless steel braided)
- Lead Free material
- Hole diameter Ø34-37 mm
CLEXO noortekunstniku laud, Jääsinine
CLEXO noortekunstniku laud on loodud spetsiaalselt väikestele ja noortele kunstnikele, pakkudes neile ideaalse koha loovuse arendamiseks. Laua ergonoomiline disain, kaldu lauaplaat ja reguleeritavad jalatoed tagavad mugava ja korrektse istumisasendi, sobides kasutamiseks nii lasteaias kui koolis.
Tugev HPL-kattega puit muudab laua vastupidavaks kriimustustele ja hõõrdumisele. Lauaplaadil on praktiline ava plastikust topsile, kuhu saab paigutada pliiatsid ja muud maalimisvahendid.
- Kaldu lauaplaat
- Reguleeritav 3-suunaline jalatugi
- Tugev ja kriimustuskindel HPL-kate
- Kandevõime kuni 50 kg
- Komplektis plastikust tops
Mähkimislaud seinale OWO 2.0 orgaaniline disain pöök/punane
OWO 2.0 mähkimislaud on uuendatud versioon klassikalisest OWO-st, millel on kaasaegne disain ja vastupidav HPL-kate. See sobib ideaalselt igasse majapidamisse ning on atraktiivne ja praktiline lahendus avalikesse kohtadesse, nagu lasteaiad, kohvikud, arstipraksised ja hotellid.
Seinale kinnitatav mähkimislaud võtab minimaalselt ruumi ja seda saab paigaldada paindlikult soovitud kõrgusele. OWO 2.0 avamine ja sulgemine käib lihtsalt ühe liigutusega ning sisseehitatud stopperid takistavad ootamatut klapi avanemist. Laud on varustatud riiuliga, mis mahutab piisavalt mähkmeid ja hooldusvahendeid.
- Sisaldab halli PU-nahast (PVC-vaba, rasva- ja õlikindel) mähkimismatti
- TÜV testitud ja GS ohutusmärgiga sertifitseeritud
- Kõrged küljed vastavalt õnnetuste vältimise normidele
- Hügieeniline ja kergesti puhastatav
- Kriimustuste- ja löögikindel pind
- Hooldusvabad stopperid
Tehnilised andmed:
- Materjal: HPL-kattega vineer
- Mõõdud: kõrgus 103,7 cm, laius 75,8 cm, sügavus suletuna 22,7 cm, sügavus avatuna 88 cm
- Matt: 54 x 75 cm
- Külje kõrgus: 20 cm
- Kandevõime: kuni 75 kg
- Riiulid: 1 (võimalik lisada teine)
- Hooldus: veekindel, desinfitseerimisvahendiga puhastatav
- Kasutuskohad: kodus, raamatukogus, hotellis, haiglas, lasteaias, avalikes kohtades, poodides, söögikohtades
material: | multiplex HPL coated |
height (cm): | 103,7 |
width (cm): | 75,8 |
depth closed (cm): | 22,7 |
depth open (cm): | 88 |
size of mat (cm): | 54 x 75 |
height of flap side: | 20 |
load (kg): | 75 |
shelves (quantity): | 1 – another shelf can be mounted |
care instructions: | waterproof, cleanable with disinfectant |
places to use: | at home, library, hotel, hospital, kindergarten, public places, shops, surgery, gastronomy |
Rubbermaid Slim Jim Swing prügikasti kiikkaas, must
Kahepoolne, puutvaba isesulguv kiikkaas Slim Jim Swing. Varjab kasti sisu ja sobib 60 ja 87 l Slim Jim prügikastidele.
Rubbermaid Slim Jim Double Dolly prügikasti ratastega alus kahele kastile, roostevaba
Roostevabast terasest ratastega alus kahele Slim Jim prügikastile nende hõlpsaks liigutamiseks. Sobib SlimJim 49-87 l prügikastidele.
Rubbermaid Slim Jim Double Dolly – Stainless Steel
Manufactured from quality stainless steel that can withstand freqnuent daily use and designed for application with both 60 and 87 litre Slim Jim bins, Rubbermaid’s Double Dolly provides the perfect dual container transportation device with excellent manoeuvrability.
Features and Benefits
Durable stainless-steel construction can withstand frequent daily use and will not chip or rust in difficult commercial settings
Facilitates the collection and transport of two Rubbermaid Slim Jim bins
Fitted with four 3” non-marking quiet castors that enable smooth and quiet manoeuvrability
Locking casters offer increased stability and the potential for creating a mobile recycling station
Suitable for 60L and 87L Slim Jim bins
Dimensions: W52.32 x H22.86 x D50.8cm
Weight: 3.08kg
Material: Stainless Steel
Rubbermaid Slim Jim prügikasti avaga kaas paberile, sinine
Slim Jim avaga prügikastikaas paberjäätmetele. Varjab kasti sisu ja on kergesti eemaldatav. Sobib 60 ja 87 liitristele Slim Jim prügikastidele. Värvus sinine
Kombineeritud Seebidosaator 950ml ja Lotion dosaator 950ml Wagner Ewar RST316L poleeritud
Combination soap/lotion WP585
- Combination consisting of a liquid soap- and lotion dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - Soap or lotion dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip soap or lotion pump.
Designed for standard 950 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or lotion. Also refillable with large container using the plug-in tank as an option. - Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with soap and lotion.
- Weight (in kg): 4.4
Combination consisting of a liquid soap, disinfectant and lotion dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 316L) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Soap or lotion dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip soap or lotion pump. Designed for standard 950 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or lotion. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with soap and lotion.
Dimensions: 218 x 298 x 121 mm
Article No. WP585
567,30 €
120 x 680 x 130 mm
for 5 rolls
- Toilet roll storage container in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
- All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
- Designed for five standard toilet rolls, including four concealed, which drop down automatically with dimensions:
Outer diameter max. 125 mm
Width max. 100 mm
Core diameter (any) mm - Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through opening at the top.
- Mounting: With two screws through key holes in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 2,6
satin finished (standard) | 727168 |
highly polished | 731168 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728168 |
Toilet roll storage container in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Designed for five standard toilet rolls, including four concealed, which drop down automatically. Inspection slot to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through opening at the top. Delivery includes fixing material.
Dimensions: 120 x 680 x 130 mm
Article No. WP168
311,10 €
86 x 257 x 120 mm
700 ml tank
- Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
Power supply available as an option. - Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
- Weight (in kg): 1,8
satin finished (standard) | 727817 |
highly polished | 731817 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728817 |
488,00 €
298 x 396 x 150 mm
- Hot air hand dryer in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed with tapered glossy surface at the bottom.
Further available surfaces: see below. - Touch-free, low-failure capacitive sensor technology, sensor distance 0–30 cm, power cut-off after 30 s drying time.
- Low noise.
- SEV-tested and certified.
- Supply voltage 230 V, 50 Hz
Power rating 2000 Watt
Heater power 1915 Watt
Motor power 85 Watt
Air output 258 m³/h - Blower unit can be replaced as module.
- Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material and device plug.
- Weight (in kg): 7,2
satin finished (standard) | 733010 |
highly polished | 731010 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 729010 |
Hot air hand dryer in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed with tapered glossy surface at the bottom. Low noise blower unit with capacitive sensor technology, sensor distance 0-30 cm, drying time 30 s factory setting, can be replaced as module. Power rating 2000 W. SEV-tested and certified. Delivery includes fixing material and device plug, mains cable supply on site 230 V/50 Hz.
Dimensions: 298 x 396 x 150 mm
Article No. WP1100
1116,30 €
Kontaktivaba Seebidosaator+disenfiktant+lotion (3x950ml) satiin R/V teras AISI316
298 x 298 x 121 mm
950 ml soap bottle / 950 ml tank disinfectant / 950 ml bottle lotion
- Sensor combination consisting of a sensor liquid soap-, disinfectant- and lotion dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - Sensor soap or lotion dispenser with EWAR® eModuletouch-free operated and non-drip soap and lotion pump.
Designed for standard 950 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or lotion. Also refillable with large container using the plug-in tank as an option - Sensor disinfectant dispenser with EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank arranged in the middle. Designed for standard disinfectants.
- Note: Not approved for medical areas.
- Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
Power supply available as an option. - Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material, batteries and first fill with soap and lotion.
- Weight (in kg): 6,4
satin finished (standard) | 727735 |
highly polished | 731735 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728735 |
Sensor combination consisting of a sensor liquid soap, disinfectant and lotion dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 316L) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Sensor soap or lotion dispenser with touch-free operated and non-drip soap or lotion pump. Designed for standard 950 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or lotion. Sensor disinfectant dispenser with touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank arranged in the middle. Designed for standard disinfectants. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, batteries and first fill with soap and lotion.
Dimensions: 298 x 298 x 121 mm
Article No. WP575e
1030,90 €
Süvistatav prügikast
süvistussügavus 150mm
Diameeter 380mm
Mahtuvus 2,5l/20-30 lehte
Koti mõõt 39x28CM
Nähtav osa :
Rõngas :poleeritud kroom, naturaalne messing.
harjatud kroom, harjatud R/V teras või 14 rinevat
Mahuti materjal :värvitud PC/ABS
RS1/B Must Mahuti
2-ne Valamu jalaga 1200x700, kõrgus 850mm , R/V teras
Нержавеющая большегрузная двойная мойка на ножках, 1200 x 700 x 850 мм
- stainless steel bulk double-sink with a sheating
- without a tap hole (could be made to order)
- possibility of fine plane regulation by the regulation screws on the supporting legs
- possibility to order inner sinks in dimensions: 400 x 300 x 200 mm/ 400 x 400 x 250 mm/ 400 x 400 x 200 mm
- available also in the length 1400 mm
- material CrNi 18/10 (AISI-304)
- brushed finish
- different dimensions could be made to order
Арт. № | 93160 |
Название | SLUN 16 |
Kroom FMM-nr:1641-0000
- Temperatuuriseade nupuga, akutoitel (aku kaasas)
- Vandalismikindel, kest üleni metallist
- ECO funktsioon (vett ja energiat säästev õhusti 5 l/min)
- Aegreleega loputuse lõpetus üleujutamise vältimiseks
- 30-sekundiline loputusaeg (anduriga)
- Võimalik välja lülitada 60 sekundiks (näiteks puhastamiseks)
- Madal voolutarve, pikk eluiga
- Võimalik kuuma veega läbi loputada, et desinfitseerida legionella vastu
- IP-klassi andur, IP67
- Keskkonnasõbralik materjal, pliivaba, niklivaba
Paigaldamine: - Anduri automaatne kalibreering
- Pärast seadistamist sobivale temperatuurile, on võimalik nupp asendada ehiskaanega
- Kõiki mudeleid on võimalik kasutada nii 6V aku toitel või 12V vooluadapteriga
- Võrguvoolu kasutamiseks on tarvis paigaldada vooluadapter 1623-0000 ja toide FMM 1619-4000 või teise võimalusena trafo FMM 1619-3000
- Pehmed PEX® voolikud koos integreeritud tagasilöögiklappide ja filtritega (roostevabast terasest)
- Ava läbimõõt Ø 33,5–37 mm
Seaded: - Reguleeritav maksimaalne temperatuur
- Programmeeritav hügieeniloputuse funktsioon
- Seadistatav loputusaeg
Keskselt juhitav mudel: - Komplektis kaabel, millega on võimalik juhtida hügieeniloputust
- Loputus toimub, kui sissevool on suletud
Aeraator M24x1-A kroom, (vanni, dushi, thermostaat segistile)
Aeraator Presto 291***