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Damixa Silhouet держатель для туалетной бумаги матовый серый графит PVD

Артикул: D4830755
Единица: шт
Время доставки: 14-21 день
57,00 €
Kuumakse alates: 4,84 €
Кол-во: - +

Damixa Silhouet держатель для туалетной бумаги матовый серый графит PVD

Damixa Silhouet WC tualettpaberi hoidik harjatud grafiithall PVD

Toilet Roll Holder graphite grey pvd

Article no.:



Graphite Grey PVD




Совместимые продукты

Damixa Silhouet Flex душевой комплект с лифтом 7668855 матовый графит PVD

Your bathroom deserves the best

Damixa's comprehensive range of shower systems and shower sets gives you the freedom of choice without compromise. Looking for a complete system with overhead shower and hand shower? Or maybe a more simple solution with just a hand shower? Whatever your need, there is a Damixa solution for your bathroom.

Beautiful Danish design and world class quality always included.

Standard features:

Water consumption max.9 l/min 3 spray modes
Adjustable wall brackets
1500 mm shower hose

Артикул: D7668855 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
258,00 €

Damixa Silhouet Freestanding свободностоящий смеситель для ванной серый графит PVD

Ideaalne lahendus iseseisva vanni jaoks. Eraldi seisev vannisegisti on varustatud täieliku käsidušikomplektiga, mis koosneb pööratavast dušivoolikust, käsidušist ja käsidušihoidikust. Stiilset vannisegistit on lihtne kasutada, kasutades selleks hästi asetsevat käepidet.
Silhoueti eraldiseisev vannisegisti täiendab sarja Silhouet. Silhouet on ajatu Põhjamaade disaini põhiolemus, mis on teostatud Damixa Taani kõrge kvaliteediga. Tänu puhtale ja kutsuvale kujundusele sobib Silhouet kaunilt tänapäeva ja homse kööki ning vannituppa.
Komplekti kuulub hõlpsaks paigaldamiseks sisseehitatud seade.

Freestanding bath mixer Graphite Grey pvd


The perfect solution for a freestanding bathtub. The freestanding bath mixer is equipped with a complete hand shower set, consisting of a non-rotatable shower hose, a hand shower, and a hand shower holder. The stylish bath mixer is easy to operate using the well-positioned handle.

The Silhouet freestanding bath mixer completes the Silhouet series. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Nordic design, executed in the high Danish quality of Damixa. Thanks to its clean, inviting design, Silhouet fits beautifully into the kitchens and bathrooms of today and tomorrow.

Includes a built-in unit for easy mounting.

Артикул: D7314255 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
1350,00 € (10%)
1500,00 €

Damixa Silhouet смеситель для раковины - LARGE,  сатинированный графит серый PVD


Keraamiline tööorgan. 6l/min aerator




Halskov & Dalsgaard



Keraamiline tööorgan
Külm start
Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save 6l/min aerator


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Артикул: D7401355 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
323,10 € (10%)
359,00 €

Damixa Silhouet Piccolo смеситель для раковины,  сатинированный графит серый PVD


Keraamiline tööorgan. 6l/min aerator




Halskov & Dalsgaard



Keraamiline tööorgan
Külm start
Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save 6l/min aerator


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Артикул: D7473055 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
252,90 € (10%)
281,00 €

Damixa Silhouet смеситель для раковины ,  сатинированный графит серый PVD


Keraamiline tööorgan. 6l/min aerator




Halskov & Dalsgaard



Keraamiline tööorgan
Külm start
Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save 6l/min aerator


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Артикул: D7462055 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
323,10 € (10%)
359,00 €

Damixa Silhouet смеситель для раковины - MEDIUM ,  сатинированный графит серый PVD


Keraamiline tööorgan. 6l/min aerator




Halskov & Dalsgaard



Keraamiline tööorgan
Külm start
Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save 6l/min aerator


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Артикул: D7493055 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
274,50 € (10%)
305,00 €

Damixa Silhouet смеситель для раковины - SMALL ,  сатинированный графит серый PVD


Keraamiline tööorgan. 6l/min aerator




Halskov & Dalsgaard



Keraamiline tööorgan
Külm start
Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save 6l/min aerator


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Артикул: D740215535 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
245,70 € (10%)
273,00 €

Damixa смеситель термостатный Silhouet матовый серый графит PVD





Keraamiline tööorgan
Standardne tsentrite vahe 150 mm Varustatud 3/4" ilukatete ja ekstsentrikutega. 1/2" ühendus käsiduši voolikule

The heart of the bath

Taking a shower or soaking yourself in the tub must be a comfortable experience that leaves you feeling good, no matter the duration of your bath. Every Damixa thermostat is engineered, designed and manufactured with our relentless focus on the qualities Damixa is recognized for: Functionality, comfort, elegant design, world class quality and concern for energy consumption and the environment. With our broad range of thermostat mixers there is a Thermixa thermostat for every bathroom. Yours, too.

Артикул: D7450055 ,   Время доставки: 7 -14 дней
508,50 € (10%)
565,00 €

Damixa смеситель термостатный Silhouet матовый серый графит PVD

Damixa termostaatsegisti Silhouet harjatud grafiithall PVD





Keraamiline tööorgan
Standardne tsentrite vahe 150 mm Varustatud 3/4" ilukatete ja ekstsentrikutega. 1/2" ühendus käsiduši voolikule


The heart of the bath

Taking a shower or soaking yourself in the tub must be a comfortable experience that leaves you feeling good, no matter the duration of your bath. Every Damixa thermostat is engineered, designed and manufactured with our relentless focus on the qualities Damixa is recognized for: Functionality, comfort, elegant design, world class quality and concern for energy consumption and the environment. With our broad range of thermostat mixers there is a Thermixa thermostat for every bathroom. Yours, too.

Артикул: D7440055 ,   Время доставки: 7 -14 дней
347,40 € (10%)
386,00 €

Damixa universaalne jooksutoru vannisegistile harjatud grafiithall 4848455 PVD

Swing spout for bath graphite grey pvd

Pöörates jooksutoru küljele lakkab veevool jooksutorust ja algab käsidušist

Märkus: Ei sobi Thermixa Zero 5748000/5745000

Артикул: D4848455 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
169,20 € (10%)
188,00 €

Damixa металлический сифон для ванной G 1 1/4" 4848055 шлифованный графит PVD

 Siphon graphite grey pvd

sobib kõikidele standartsetele valamutele


Артикул: D4848055 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
156,00 €

Damixa Silhouet 740815535 кухонный смеситель , с вентилем для стиральной машины сатинированный серый графит PVDStandardomadused:

120° pöördepiiraja. Keraamiline tööorgan.


Standard features:

120° swivel limitation Ceramic cartridge Cold-start Rub-Clean

8/l min aerator Dishwasher Shut off valve

Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Артикул: D740815535 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
454,50 € (10%)
505,00 €
Damixa Silhouet 740865500 кухонный смеситель матовый графит серый PVD
Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 740865500 harjatud grafiithall pvd


120° pöördepiiraja
Keraamiline tööorgan
Külm start
Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada 8/l min aerator


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Артикул: D740865500 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
326,70 € (10%)
363,00 €

Damixa Silhouet PRO 7412879 кухонный смеситель матовый серый графит PVD

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7412855 PRO harjatud grafiithall PVD 


120° pöördepiiraja
Keraamiline tööorgan
Külm start
Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada 8/l min aerator

Spray function Flexible hose

Lahe disain ja pro funktsionaalsus

Kraan ei ole tänapäeval mitte ainult funktsionaalne tarbeese vaid ka disainiobjekt, mis väljendab köögi iseloomu ja sobib kodu stiiliga.

Silhouet Pro ühendab endas nii laheda disaini kui ka professionaalse köögikraani funktsionaalsuse. Silhouet Pro on varustatud paindliku vooliku ja dušiotsikuga, mis võimaldab valamut täies ulatuses kasutada. Veejoa saab hõlpsasti nurga alla suunata ja sel moel igat kohta puhastada ja pesta ning ühe nupulevajutusega aktiveerite veepihusti, et suuremad pinnad kiiresti ära loputada. Silhouet Pro sobib suurepäraselt moodsasse kööki 


ning lisab ka klassikalisele köögile tööstuslikku hõngu.


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Артикул: D741285500 ,   Время доставки: 2-3 недели
417,60 € (10%)
464,00 €

Крючок Damixa Silhouet 2 шт матовый серый графит PVD

Nagi Damixa Silhouet 2 tk harjatud grafiithall PVD


Hooks (2 pcs.)

Hooks (2 pcs.) graphite grey pvd

Article no.:



Graphite Grey PVD






Артикул: D4830655 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
24,00 €

Новинка! Damixa душевой комплект Silhouet, термостат+верхний душ+ручной душ Матовый графит серый PVD

Standard features: Showerhead max. 9 l/m /

Hand Shower max. 8 l/m

Adjustable Height 1750 mm

metal hose Integrated diverter

Standard 150mm centres

With wall plates & eccentric unions

Including head shower, hand shower and hose



Adjustable Height
1750 mm dušivoolik metallkattega
Standardne tsentrite vahe 150 mm
Varustatud 3/4" ilukatete ja ekstsentrikutega. Sisaldab 250 mm peadušši, käsidušši ja voolikut Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m

Артикул: D579545535 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
1238,40 € (10%)
1376,00 €