
Damixa смеситель на раковину Clover Green, хром-Eco, с донным клапаном

Артикул: D6082100
Единица: шт
Время доставки: 7-14 päeva
Цена: 188,00 €
169,20 €
Kuumakse alates: 14,38 €
Кол-во: - +


Valamusegisti kroom






Clover Green


Jakob Jensen

EAN Nr.:




1 käepide
Keraamiline tööorgan
Külm start
Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada Põletuskaitsega (38oC)
Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save Klikk põhjaklapp


Keskkonnasõbralik ja hästi läbimõeldud

Clover Green on elegantne ja säästlik segisti, mis sisaldab stiilseid ja keskkonnasõbralikke funktsioone. Uhke seeria millel on selged ja lihtsad jooned, mis sobivad hästi tänapäeva koju. See seeria võitis Red Dot auhinna aastal 2011.

Kuidas valmis Clover Green

Damixa projekteerimisinsener Jakob Jensen oli Clover Green’I disainer. Seeria on pärit arendusprojektist, millel pole mingit seost disainiga, ütleb Jakob Jensen:

“See algas uue süsteemi väljatöötamisest meie segistitele. Otsisime korduvkasutatavat lahendust, et vältida iga kord ratta taasleiutamist. Clover oli esimene disain, millel me kasutasime uusi tööorganeid. Selle seeria väljakukkunud välimus on endiselt oma teravate servade ja kindla kujuga väga populaarne ja on Damixa ajatu disaini ehe näide”

Clover on nüüd uuendatud Clover Green ja sisaldab mitmeid stiilseid ja säästvaid funktsioone.


Green and well thought out

Clover green is an elegant and efficient tap fixture incorporating stylish, environmentally conscious features. A gorgeous range with tight, simple lines that fit in with the home of today. This range was the winner of the Red Dot Award: Product Design in 2011.

How Clover Green came about

Jakob Jensen, a design engineer at Damixa, was the designer of Clover Green. The series originates from a development project that had nothing to do with design, says Jakob Jensen:

“It began with the development of a new system for the inside of our tap fixtures. We were looking for a reusable system to avoid reinventing the wheel each time. Clover was the first design we made with the new “innards”. Its sharp and defined edged look is still very popular and is an example of Damixa’s timeless design."

Clover has since been upgraded to Clover Green and includes several stylish and cost-saving features.

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Ø 45 x 170 x 185 mm
normal pressure

  • Single-lever basin tap without waste fitting in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 303).
  • Version: normal pressure. Operating pressure 2–6 bar.
  • Solid stainless steel body; visible surfaces satin finished.
    Further available surfaces: see below. 
  • High quality ceramic mixer cartridge with adjustable temperature limit setting (scald protection).
  • Neoperl® air bubble spray M21 x 1 mm.
  • Design height: 171 mm
    Outlet height: 87 mm
    Projection: 98 mm
    Length of lever: 140 mm
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Installation dimensions: Ø 33-40 mm
    Surface thickness max. 40 mm
  • Mounting: With one counternut. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and two flexible connecting hoses clad in stainless steel.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,60
satin finished (standard) 924276
highly polished 931276
Suggested text for specifications:

Single-lever basin tap in stainless steel (AISI 303) for counter mounting. Version: normal pressure. Solid stainless steel body; visible surfaces satin finished. Ceramic mixer cartridge with adjustable temperature limit setting. Delivery includes fixing material and two flexible connecting hoses clad in stainless steel. 

Dimensions: Ø 52 x 171 x 185 mm
Outlet height 87 mm
Projection 98 mm
Length of lever 140 mm

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Ø 45 x 170 x 185 mm
low pressure

  • Single-lever basin tap without waste fitting in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 303).
  • Version: low pressure, suitable for unpressurised tanks. Operating pressure 2–6 bar.
  • Solid stainless steel body; visible surfaces satin finished.
    Further available surfaces: see below. 
  • High quality ceramic mixer cartridge with adjustable temperature limit setting (scald protection).
  • Neoperl® air bubble spray M21 x 1 mm.
  • Design height: 171 mm
    Outlet height: 87 mm
    Projection: 98 mm
    Length of lever: 140 mm
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Installation dimensions: Ø 33-40 mm
    Surface thickness max. 40 mm
  • Mounting: With one counternut. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and three flexible connecting hoses clad in stainless steel.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,90
satin finished (standard) 924277
highly polished 931277
Suggested text for specifications:

Single-lever basin tap in stainless steel (AISI 303) for counter mounting. Version: low pressure. Solid stainless steel body; visible surfaces satin finished. Ceramic mixer cartridge with adjustable temperature limit setting. Delivery includes fixing material and three flexible connecting hoses clad in stainless steel. 

Dimensions: Ø 52 x 171 x 185 mm
Outlet height 87 mm
Projection 98 mm
Length of lever 140 mm

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