Дозатор для дезинтификанта Mediclinics 1.5L Н/Р сталь, белый
Desinfektandi dosaator Mediclinics 1.5L R-V teras, epoxy valge
250 x 110 x 175 mm
• Spray soap dispenser of 1.5 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0,8 mm thick, to be installed directly on the wall and lever-operated by means of an stainless steel lever.
• Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these foam soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly.
• Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use.
• Dispenses liquid disinfectant soaps.
Kosmos дозатор для мыла, сталь, стекло
35,58 €
KLIKS KLAKS põhjaklapp 1 1/4" keermega
Alumiiniumist garderoobiriiul
Tootja FROST, Taani
kõrgus 150mm
pikkus 200mm
sügavus 300mm
kaal 2,1 kg
265,00 €
35,10 €
Смеситель на раковину с ручкой HV1, Белый блестящий RAL9016
Kangsegisti keraamilise töörganiga
Jäik jooksutoru vett säästva aeraatoriga.