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Intra GUB3 Н/Р сталь раковина, с подставкой под ведро и задней стенкой, 100mm отверстие

Артикул: I-GUB3
Единица: шт
Время доставки: 14-21 день
355,00 €
Kuumakse alates: 30,18 €
Кол-во: - +

Valamu R/V terasest

Garaazi/koristusruumi jaoks

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Jooksutoru pööratav, valamule

Артикул: P30202 ,   Время доставки: 7 дней
134,90 € (5%)
142,00 €

Отделитель песка  Elcee 220, 3,5L, Н/Р сталь, AISI304


Пескоуловитель SAND-02 Elcee 220, 3,5 литра, нержавеющая сталь, AISI304

Пескоуловитель SAND-02 Elcee 220 предназначен для фильтрации песка из воды и имеет объём 3,5 литра. Устройство изготовлено из нержавеющей стали (AISI304) и идеально подходит для установки непосредственно под раковиной или мойкой.

Пескоуловитель легко установить прямо под раковину или мойку, используя подходящие крепежные элементы.

Песок и грязь накапливаются в нижней чаше устройства. Для обеспечения эффективной работы устройства необходимо регулярно опустошать чашу.

Чаша крепится к корпусу устройства зажимами с двух сторон. Для очистки чаши необходимо снять её с креплений, опустошить и при необходимости очистить.

Overall dimension in mm Ø174 x 235

Inlet dimension in mm 1.5"

 Outlet dimension in mm 1.5"

Material AISI 304 

Material thickness in mm 1.5 

Gross weight in kg 2.50

Артикул: I-SAND-02 ,   Время доставки: 3-4 недель
469,00 €

Питьевой фонтан настенный механический Н/Р сталь AISI304

AFO 01 stainless steel wall-mounted drinking fountain

AFO 01 is a stainless steel wall-mounted drinking fountain of modern design with a manual press valve that allows its easy use. The water flows only when the valve is pressed and then there is a certain adjusted time to rinse out the nozzle.
The water inlet is fitted with a flexible hose, the siphon is made from a stretchy, flexible connector. The flexible finish of the water inlet and outlet allows the variable and problem-free connection of the fountain.
AFO 01 stainless steel fountain is suitable mainly for schools, medical facilities and spa resorts, and is utilizable outdoors.
AFO 01 is made of stainless steel AISI 304.
AFO 01.CL is made of stainless steel AISI 316 and is suitable into the areas with higher concentration of chlorine (e.g. swimming pools).
Sensor-controlled fountain possible made to order.
For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).

Package contents

  • stainless steel sink with casing
  • press valve
  • corner valve with filter
  • flexible hose siphon
  • fixing bar
  • connecting hoses
  • anchoring material
Water inlet G 1/2"
Water pressure 0,2 – 0,6 MPa (recommended 0,3 MPa)
Outlet d = 40 mm
Inner dimension of the fountain d = 245 mm
Weight 4 kg


Артикул: AZP-AFO01 ,   Время доставки: 3-4 недели
765,00 €

Питьевой фонтан напольный/настенный механический Н/Р сталь  AISI304

AFO 01.S

stainless steel drinking fountain with pressure valve designed to stand and to be attached to wall

AFO 01.S is a drinking fountain of stainless steel with pressure valve designed to stand and to be attached to wall. Water runs for the time for which the valve is pressed plus the pre-set period after it is released; thus the jet can be rinsed.
Water supply is provided by a flexible hose, trap comprises an elastic flexible couple. Flexible design of water supply and outflow allows variable and easy connection of the drinking fountain as well as its dismounting.

Automatic drinking fountain (with a sensor) can be supplied per order.

AFO 01.S is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. Other materials (e.g. AISI 316) possible on order. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1). 

Package contents

  • Stainless housing with cone
  • Pressure valve with jet
  • Flexible hose outflow
  • Fixing and connecting material
dimensions 330 x 900 x 365 mm
outlet d = 40 mm
water inlet G 1/2"
water pressure 0,2 – 0,6 MPa, recommended 0,3 MPa
weight 12 kg


  • Set up water outlet d = 40 mm
  • Set up water inlet G 1/2"
Артикул: AZP-AFO01.S ,   Время доставки: 3-4 недели
1226,00 €

Питьевой фонтан с системой охлаждения, возможность набора воды в бутылку,  пол/стена пьезо кнопка,  Н/Р сталь AISI304 230V/50Hz


drinking fountain with cooling and spout for filling bottles designed to stand and to be attached to wall

AFO 01.SCL is a drinking fountain with cooling and spout for filling bottles designed to stand and to be attached to wall. User can select between uncooled water and water running through a flow cooler. Uncooled water is used for bottle filling as a standard – can be changed. Start/stop control by piezo-buttons – resistant solution. Facility keeper can set a time period after which the water flow automatically stops.

The product contains a flow cooler. It is not a design with cooled tank only where – after the pre-cooled amount of water is pumped out – the user has to wait for the next charge to be cooled.

Water supply is provided by a flexible hose, trap comprises an elastic flexible couple. Flexible design of water supply and outflow allows variable and easy connection of the drinking fountain as well as its dismounting. 


Automatic drinking fountain (with a sensor) can be supplied per order.

AFO 01.SCL is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. Other materials (e.g. AISI 316) possible on order. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1). 

Package contents

  • Stainless housing with cone
  • Electronics and control piezo-buttons
  • Water supply and electromagnetic valves
  • Flow cooler
  • Flexible hose outflow
  • Fixing and connecting material
dimensions 330 x 900 x 365 mm
water outlet d = 40 mm
water inlet G 1/2"
water pressure 0,2 – 0,6 MPa, recommended 0,3 MPa
power supply 230 V, 50 Hz
power input 830 W
weight 25 kg


  • Set up water outlet d = 40 mm
  • Set up water inlet G 1/2"
  • Electric socket 230 V, or set up electric cable CYKY 3C x 1,5
Артикул: AZP-AFO01.SCL ,   Время доставки: 3-4 недель
5765,00 €