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Керамический писсуар WCA с радаром Sanela, с встроенным источником питания 230V/ AC

Артикул: SA-SLP82RZ
Единица: шт
Время доставки: 14-21 день
1244,40 €
Kuumakse alates: 105,77 €
Кол-во: - +

Керамический писсуар WCA с радаром Sanela,  с встроенным источником питания 230V/ AC



Urinal WCA with radar flushing unit, 230 V AC



  • economy flushing by 1 liter of water
  • easy installation by the help of paper drill template
  • whole flushing unit is placed behind the urinal
  • system reacts only on the direct use of the urinal (it analyses changes, which are proceeded inside of the urinal, when a liquid is flowing through)
  • adjustable flushing time 0,5 - 15,5 s
  • parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 04 without the necessity to dismantle the urinal from the wall (acoustic setting indication)
  • automatic flushing after each 6 hours non-use
  • possibility to regulate a water flow by the angle valve
  • radar flushing unit recharges a water to the siphon after each flushing
Code SLP 82RZ 
Order number 01822 

Supply specification

SLP 82RZ - Supply No. 01822 - ceramic urinal with the radar flushing unit, electromagnetic valve, connecting hoses, angle valve, inlet fitting, siphon, paper drill template, mounting set, power supply

Technical information

Operating voltage: 230 V AC/50 Hz
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 18 l/min (inf. data)
Water inlet: male thread G 1/2“
Water outlet: inlet fitting



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• Wall mounting

• For foam soap

• Capacity: 15 dl (1875-2500 doses).

• Power connection: AC (0,6V).

• Stainless steel with satin finish.

• Infra-red sensor and elektronic timer.

• 2-year warranty.






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Смывная система для писсуара с реле времени 230V/AC антивандальная



Time-controlled flushing unit, 230 V AC



  • vandal-proof
  • time-controlled flushing unit for urinal troughs SLPN 02(Z) - 05(Z)
  • adjustable flushing time 0,5 - 15,5 s, standard 5 s
  • parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 04
  • adjustable flushing interval 10 min - 3 days,          standard 1 h
  • after switch on the power supply 230 V AC, SLP 01Z starts to flush in adjusted interval
Order number 01011 
Code SLP 01Z 

Supply specification

SLP 01Z - Supply No. 01011 stainless steel cover with electronics, stainless steel mounting box with brass screw coupling, power supply, remote control SLD 04

Technical information

Stainless steel cover dimension: 170 x 170 x 10 mm
Mounting box dimension: 145 x 155 x 100 mm
Operating voltage: 230 V AC/50 Hz
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 40 l/min (inf. data)
Water inlet: male thread G 1“
Water outlet: male thread G 1“
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Керамический писсуар HOME с крышкой Alessi LAUFEN с радаром Sanela,  интегрированый источник питания 230V/AC



Urinal Alessi with cover with a radar flushing unit and integrated power supply, 230 V AC



  • easy installation
  • whole flushing unit is placed behind the urinal
  • system reacts only on the direct use of the urinal (it analyses changes, which are proceeded inside of the urinal, when a liquid is flowing through)
  • adjustable flushing time 0,5 - 15,5 s
  • parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 04 without the necessity to dismantle the urinal from the wall (acoustic setting indication)
  • automatic flushing after each 6 hours non-use
  • possibility to regulate a water flow by the angle valve
  • radar flushing unit recharges a water to the siphon after each flushing
Order number 01245 
Code SLP 24RZ 

Supply specification

SLP 24RZ - Supply No. 01245 - ceramic urinal with radar flushing unit, plastic mounting box with brass screw coupling, electromagnetic valve and ball valve, inlet fitting with a rubber sealing, mounting set, siphon, plastic cover, power supply

Technical information

Dimension of mounting box: 140 x 140 x 75 mm
Operating voltage: 230 V AC/50 Hz
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 18 l/min (inf. data)
Water inlet: male thread G 3/4“
Water outlet: inlet fitting with a rubber sealing
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