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LVI disain нержавеющая крышка для трапа 197x197x4 JUSSI

Артикул: LVI3316956
Единица: шт
Время доставки: 7-14 дней
55,92 €
Kuumakse alates: 4,74 €
Кол-во: - +

Kaunis design-lattiakaivon kansi. Kansi on valmistettu Suomessa. Tästä näyttävä yksityiskohta kylpyhuoneeseen, kansi toimii myös tarkoituksenmukaisena viemärikantena.

Kansi ja kehyslaatta ovat valmistettu 2 mm paksuisesta ruostumattomasta teräksestä. Kehyksen korkeutta lattialaatoihin nähden voidaan säätää kiinnityslaastin määrällä.

Kannen vesiaukot ovat aina alle 150mm alueella joten se soveltuu kaikkiin 150mm viemärikaivoihin.


Lattiakaivon kannen lisätiedot:

  • Valmistaja: LVI-Pörssi
  • Kehyksen ulkomitat: 197 x 197 mm
  • Korkeus 4 mm
  • Materiaali: ruostumaton teräs (AISI304)
  • Väri: teräs
Схожие продукты

Kaunis design-lattiakaivon kansi. Kansi on valmistettu Suomessa. Tästä näyttävä yksityiskohta kylpyhuoneeseen, kansi toimii myös tarkoituksenmukaisena viemärikantena.

Kansi ja kehyslaatta ovat valmistettu 2 mm paksuisesta ruostumattomasta teräksestä. Kehyksen korkeutta lattialaatoihin nähden voidaan säätää kiinnityslaastin määrällä.

Kannen vesiaukot ovat aina alle 150mm alueella joten se soveltuu kaikkiin 150mm viemärikaivoihin.


Lattiakaivon kannen lisätiedot:

  • Valmistaja: LVI-Pörssi
  • Kehyksen ulkomitat: 197 x 197 mm
  • Korkeus 4 mm
  • Materiaali: ruostumaton teräs (AISI304)
  • Väri: teräs
Артикул: LVI3316788 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
55,92 €

Vieser One 52700 специальный водяной замок для трапа

Vieser One 52700 põrandatrapi spetsiaalne vesilukk

Vieser One special water trap for drain

HVAC No. 3315949
Vieser One'i spetsiaalne veepüüdur hoiab ära kanalisatsiooni kuivamise ja kõrvaldab ebameeldiva lõhna. Soovitatav ruumides, kus põranda äravoolu kasutatakse harva või kasutatakse ainult ajutiselt, näiteks pesuruumid või suvekodud. Ühildub Vieser One põrandakanalisatsiooniga.
Paigaldatav mistahes Vieser One’i veetõkkega põrandakanalisatsiooni ka peale esmast paigaldamist. Vieser One'i veepüüdurit saab ära tunda selle musta tõstekäepideme järgi. Soovitatav ruumidesse, kus põranda äravoolu kasutatakse harva või kasutatakse ainult ajutiselt, näiteks tehnilistes ruumides, pesuruumides või suvekodudes.
Spetsiaalne äravoolulõks takistab tõhusalt põranda äravoolu kuivamist, kõrvaldades seeläbi ebameeldiva lõhna.

A Vieser One special water trap prevents the sewer from drying out and eliminates unpleasant odours. Recommended for rooms where the floor drain is used infrequently or is only used temporarily, such as laundry rooms or summer homes. Compatible with Vieser One floor drains.

Can be installed into any Vieser One floor drain with a water trap also after initial installation. A Vieser One water trap can be identified by its black lifting handle. Recommended for rooms where the floor drain is used infrequently or is only used temporarily, such as technical facilities, laundry rooms or summer homes.

The special drain trap effectively prevents the floor drain from drying up, thus eliminating unpleasant odours.


Related products


Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package (box/pallet)
Package dimensions
13,5 x 11 x 13,5 cm
Package weight
0,1 kg
Polypropylene PP
A Vieser One special water trap prevents the sewer from drying out and eliminates unpleasant odours. Recommended for rooms where the floor drain is used infrequently or is only used temporarily, such as laundry rooms or summer homes. Compatible with Vieser One floor drains. Can be installed into any Vieser One floor drain with a water trap also after initial installation. A Vieser One water trap can be identified by its blacklifting handle. Recommended for rooms where the floor drain is used infrequently or is only used temporarily, such as technical facilities, laundry rooms or summer homes.
Артикул: AKV52700 ,   Время доставки: 3-7 дней
61,00 €

Vieser регулируемая рама 51280 197x197 mm RST

Vieser reguleeritav terasraam 51280 197x197 mm RST

Roostevaba teras

Vieser adjustable stainless steel frame 197 x 197

HVAC No. 3316229
  • Adjustable stainless steel frame 197×197 mm
  • Suitable for use with all Vieser 197×197 mm stainless steel gratings
  • To make tilework installation easier, the frame can be adjusted max 15 mm toeach direction. The complete adjustment range is 30 mm
  • Professional’s choice

Vieser’s drain and cover combination comes with a 10-year system guarantee.

(PDF)Vieser round and square grating in tiled floor 

(DWG)Vieser round and square grating in tiled floor 


Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package (box/pallet)
Package dimensions
22,5 x 1,5 x 22 cm
Package weight
0,165 kg
Stainless steel (AISI 304)
To facilitate the installation of the tiling, the frame can be adjusted by a maximum of 15 mm in any direction. The total adjustment range is 30 mm.
General information

The package contains an adjustable steel frame. To facilitate the installation of the tiling, the frame can be adjusted by a maximum of 15 mm in any direction.

Contact us
Артикул: AKV51280 ,   Время доставки: 3-7 дней
36,60 €

Vieser 6001188 DOT Accoya пропитанная D600MM круглая

Vieser 6001188 DOT Accoya õlitatud D600MM ümmargune


Vieser Dot Cover Accoya, Oiled

HVAC No. 3315995 
EAN 6430066741649

One cover option offered for the Vieser Dot Design floor drain system is Vieser Dot ⌀600mm Accoya, Oiled. Accoya is wood that has been treated using natural methods. Although the treatments provide the covers with a natural protection, we recommend treating the wooden covers with a protective agent once or twice a year.

The Vieser Dot floor drain system consists of two separate parts: a tray and the chosen cover. In addition, the Vieser floor drain that is right for the floor drain system is sold separately:


Accoya wood, produced under the Accoya trademark, is acetylated radiata pine. Acetylation refers to a process in which wood is treated with acetic anhydride. Accoya is naturally renewable, and it is also more durable than many threatened tropical hardwoods. Accoya has been granted numerous environmental certificates, including the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. All Accoya® wood is procured from well-managed forests that meet environmental requirements and which have been granted FSC, PEFC or other regional certification.

Vieser’s drain and cover combination comes with a 10-year system guarantee.

Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package (box/pallet)
Package dimensions
66 x 4,5 x 66cm 
Package weight
Accoya, Oiled
The size of the wooden lath in the floor drain cover
The size of the openings in the floor drain cover
General information

The package contains: The Vieser Dot ⌀600 mm Accoya cover and the Vieser lifting tool to make cleaning the drain easier.

The Vieser Dot floor drain system consists of two separate parts: a tray and the chosen cover. In addition, the Vieser floor drain that is right for the floor drain system is sold separately:


Артикул: AKV6001188 ,   Время доставки: 3-7 дней
1134,60 €

Vieser 6001190 DOT Accoya пропитанный воском D600MM круглый

Vieser 6001190 DOT Accoya vahatatud D600MM ümmargune

Vieser Dot Cover Accoya, Waxed

HVAC No. 3315997 
EAN 6430066741663

One cover option offered for the Vieser Dot Design floor drain system is Vieser Dot ⌀600mm Accoya, Waxed. Accoya is wood that has been treated using natural methods. Although the treatments provide the covers with a natural protection, we recommend treating the wooden covers with a protective agent once or twice a year.

The Vieser Dot floor drain system consists of two separate parts: a tray and the chosen cover. In addition, the Vieser floor drain that is right for the floor drain system is sold separately:


Accoya wood, produced under the Accoya trademark, is acetylated radiata pine. Acetylation refers to a process in which wood is treated with acetic anhydride. Accoya is naturally renewable, and it is also more durable than many threatened tropical hardwoods. Accoya has been granted numerous environmental certificates, including the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. All Accoya® wood is procured from well-managed forests that meet environmental requirements and which have been granted FSC, PEFC or other regional certification.

Vieser’s drain and cover combination comes with a 10-year system guarantee.

Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package (box/pallet)
Package dimensions
66 x 4,5 x 66cm
Package weight
Accoya, Waxed
The size of the wooden lath in the floor drain cover: 
The size of the openings in the floor drain cover
General information

The package contains: The Vieser Dot ⌀600 mm Accoya cover and the Vieser lifting tool to make cleaning the drain easier.

The Vieser Dot floor drain system consists of two separate parts: a tray and the chosen cover. In addition, the Vieser floor drain that is right for the floor drain system is sold separately:


Артикул: AKV6001190 ,   Время доставки: 3-7 дней
1134,60 €