Mediclinics дозатор для туалетной бумаги 2 рулона сталь белый
General Description
Toilet paper dispenser for two standard rolls, surface mounted. Suitable design for easy integration in the washroom and compatible with the line of washroom accessories Mediclinics®.
Manual dispensing.
One-piece body. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. High strength, durability and anti vandalism model. Components & materials
PR2784: steel, white Epoxy finish.
PR2784C: stainless steel AISI 304, bright finish.
PR2784CS: stainless steel AISI 304, satin finish.
PR2784B: steel, black Epoxy finish.
One-piece body, 0.8 mm thick with burr-free edges.
One-piece lid, 0.8 mm thick, weld-free, fixed to the body by means of two rivets that allows swinging down of the lid for the replenishment.
Back-plate 0.8 mm thick with slots for easy installation.
Two slots in both sides that indicates the content level.
Plastic holder for spare roll can be regulated in two different positions, depending on the size of the paper roll and allowing free movement of the roll in use. The toilet paper descends when the previous one has been finished by simply putting the hand through the side slot.
Lock with standard Mediclinics® key
- plastic
- Uriini separeeriv kuivkäimla
- Hoone siseseks kasutuseks
- Ventilaatoriga 12/230V
- Ämbri -ja Wc istelauaga
585,00 €
-Ülekiire kuivatusaeg
-Minimaalne energiatarve
-minimaalset CO2 heitmeid
-Madalama müratasemega oma kategoorias
-Mootori kiirus on reguleeritav potentsiomeetriga
-Tõhus õhufilter H13HEPA
-Mikroobivaste Biocote kaitsekiht
-Kergesti hooldatav
-Green Speci nimekirjas
Kuivatuseaeg on 8-15 sek!
1215,00 €
R/V teras AISI 304
Vandaalikindel lukuga korpus
116,00 €
Käetugi 692mm sirge
teras valge epoksükate
d 32mm
toru paksus 1,5mm
Pelavajutav äärikukate d 81mm
40,00 €