Mediclinics встраеваемый бесконтактный комплект рукосушитель, кран и дозатор для мыла хром
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Единица: комплект
Время доставки: 14-21 день
Продавец: PEGU OÜ
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Mediclinics wash and dry units are soap, water and air all-in-one to avoid water splashing on the floor, to save space and to spend less time inside the washroom.
Engineered with aesthetics and performance in mind, our wash and dry units are pure elegance and efficiency. Its smart design, with clean lines and elegant curves and its great functionality, breaks all Current design and functional conventions.
• Mediclinics® All-in-one is a countertop mounted hand dryer tap and a water and soap dispenser faucet, all ready to work together as one beautiful, touch-free, hygienic and highly efficient system.
• Mediclinics® All-in-one has been thought and designed to avoid water splashing on the floor, to save space and to spend less time inside the washroom.
• Engineered with aesthetics and performance in mind, Mediclinics® All-in-one solutions are pure elegance and efficiency. Its smart design, with clean lines and elegant curves and its great functionality, breaks all current design and functional conventions.
• Mediclinics® All-in-one solutions are eco-friendly, saving more than 73% in terms of economical savings vs. similar solutions on the market.
• Mediclinics® All-in-one solutions are also very hygienic because they can incorporate an HEPA media filter (optional), the “Ion Hygienic” technology (optional) and an air-freshener tablet (optional).
Components and materials
SENSOR OPERATED HAND DRYER (M092A): based on one of our most successful hand dryers, the Machflow Plus M09A, this countertop mounted hand dryer is capable of drying hands in just 10 seconds thanks to a pleasant jet of air that can reach speeds of 400 Km/h. The tap is made of chrome-plated brass, with a bright finish.
SENSOR OPERATED WATER TAP AND SOAP DISPENSER (GAJ002AC): made of chrome-plated brass, with a bright finish, this faucet dispenses water and soap from the same tap. The sensor placed just on the upper right side of the tap is in charge of dispensing soap whereas the sensor placed just above the water outlet is in charge of opening the valve, making the water come out.
Moeks disain,keskmise hinnaklass,suurepärane tasakaal ja valikus.
-Optimaalne jõudluse ja energiakulu suhe
-Sensoriga toimiv
-Ülikaine (ainult 57dB) ja ergonoomiline
-Reguleeritav tuvastuskaugus (5-25cm)
-Ideaalne tulemuse ja hinna tasakaal
Kuivatuseaeg on 30-40 sek
335,00 €
Kroom FMM-nr:1641-0000
- Temperatuuriseade nupuga, akutoitel (aku kaasas)
- Vandalismikindel, kest üleni metallist
- ECO funktsioon (vett ja energiat säästev õhusti 5 l/min)
- Aegreleega loputuse lõpetus üleujutamise vältimiseks
- 30-sekundiline loputusaeg (anduriga)
- Võimalik välja lülitada 60 sekundiks (näiteks puhastamiseks)
- Madal voolutarve, pikk eluiga
- Võimalik kuuma veega läbi loputada, et desinfitseerida legionella vastu
- IP-klassi andur, IP67
- Keskkonnasõbralik materjal, pliivaba, niklivaba
Paigaldamine: - Anduri automaatne kalibreering
- Pärast seadistamist sobivale temperatuurile, on võimalik nupp asendada ehiskaanega
- Kõiki mudeleid on võimalik kasutada nii 6V aku toitel või 12V vooluadapteriga
- Võrguvoolu kasutamiseks on tarvis paigaldada vooluadapter 1623-0000 ja toide FMM 1619-4000 või teise võimalusena trafo FMM 1619-3000
- Pehmed PEX® voolikud koos integreeritud tagasilöögiklappide ja filtritega (roostevabast terasest)
- Ava läbimõõt Ø 33,5–37 mm
Seaded: - Reguleeritav maksimaalne temperatuur
- Programmeeritav hügieeniloputuse funktsioon
- Seadistatav loputusaeg
Keskselt juhitav mudel: - Komplektis kaabel, millega on võimalik juhtida hügieeniloputust
- Loputus toimub, kui sissevool on suletud
Kroomitud messing
58,00 €
Kroomitud messing
67,00 €
Elektroisolatsioon klass 1
Kaal 3,8 kg
Voolutarve 1,3-4,8 A
Koguvõimsus 1010W-1150W
Kaitseklass IP23
Müratase 58-68dB(2m kaugusel)
Kuivatusaeg 10-15 sek.
495,00 €