Стеновая пластина Frost UNU 350x1000 чёрная
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Единица: шт
Время доставки: 14-21 день
Продавец: PEGU OÜ
For orders from European Union countries, please send a price inquiry to our email. To calculate the shipping cost, please provide the address. For companies, include your VAT number.
UNU fill in plate1000x350x4mm. Used in living room, bedroom and office. Available in black and white.
Riiul on tehtud rooste vaba terasest, poleeritud/must
Kõrgus 250mm
Sügavus 300mm
Pikkus 600mm
225,00 €
must epoksükate,
R/V teras AISI 304
Vandaalikindel lukuga korpus
128,00 €
Haceka Kosmos крючок двойной, чёрный матовый
19,00 €
480,00 €
600,00 €