Vieser 51923 специальный водяной замок для водяного трапа
Vieser 51923 специальный водяной замок для водяного трапа
Vieser 51923 põrandatrapi spetsiaalne vesilukk
A Vieser special water trap prevents the sewer from drying out and eliminates unpleasant odours. Recommended for rooms where the floor drain is used infrequently or is only used temporarily, such as laundry rooms or summer homes. Compatible with Vieser floor drains.
Can be installed into any Vieser floor drain with a water trap also after initial installation. Recommended for rooms where the floor drain is used infrequently or is only used temporarily, such as technical facilities, laundry rooms or summer homes.
Technical specifications
Kaunis design-lattiakaivon kansi. Kansi on valmistettu Suomessa. Tästä näyttävä yksityiskohta kylpyhuoneeseen, kansi toimii myös tarkoituksenmukaisena viemärikantena.
Kansi ja kehyslaatta ovat valmistettu 2 mm paksuisesta ruostumattomasta teräksestä. Kehyksen korkeutta lattialaatoihin nähden voidaan säätää kiinnityslaastin määrällä.
Kannen vesiaukot ovat aina alle 150mm alueella joten se soveltuu kaikkiin 150mm viemärikaivoihin.
Lattiakaivon kannen lisätiedot:
- Valmistaja: LVI-Pörssi
- Kehyksen ulkomitat: 197 x 197 mm
- Korkeus 4 mm
- Materiaali: ruostumaton teräs (AISI304)
- Väri: teräs
Kaunis design-lattiakaivon kansi. Kansi on valmistettu Suomessa. Tästä näyttävä yksityiskohta kylpyhuoneeseen, kansi toimii myös tarkoituksenmukaisena viemärikantena.
Kansi ja kehyslaatta ovat valmistettu 2 mm paksuisesta ruostumattomasta teräksestä. Kehyksen korkeutta lattialaatoihin nähden voidaan säätää kiinnityslaastin määrällä.
Kannen vesiaukot ovat aina alle 150mm alueella joten se soveltuu kaikkiin 150mm viemärikaivoihin.
Lattiakaivon kannen lisätiedot:
- Valmistaja: LVI-Pörssi
- Kehyksen ulkomitat: 197 x 197 mm
- Korkeus 4 mm
- Materiaali: ruostumaton teräs (AISI304)
- Väri: Musta
Vieser One 52610 горизонтальный водяной трап 75
Vieser One 52610 Horisontaaltrapp 75
Vieser One floor drain DN75 (without support legs)
Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.
The Vieser One horizontal floor drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system.
The floor drain can be used with a Vieser extension rings, waterproofing flange or gratings.
The package package contains the floor drain, protective lid, a water trap, a seal, a clamping ring and a clamping ring installation tool.
Vieser One floor drain is compatible with Vieser design floor drains:
Vieser крышка для углового трапа 6005080 Corner Modern 376 x 376 x 526 RST
Vieser nurgatrapikaas 6005080 Corner Modern 376 x 376 x 526 RST
Roostavaba teras
Vieser Corner Modern triangular floor drain 376 x 376 x 526
An elegant triangular floor drain grating designed and manufactured in Finland, Vieser Corner Modern adds a personal touch and a polished look to your bathroom.
The Vieser floor drain is sold separately.
Choose the Vieser floor drain that is right for your Vieser Corner floor drain system
- Compatibility with all Vieser One floor drains means that you can choose either a vertical, horizontal or untrapped floor drain, thereby also guaranteeing quick and easy installation.
- Suitable for both new construction and renovations.
- To facilitate the installation of the tiling, the frame can be adjusted by a maximum of 15 mm off-centre of the floor drain. The total adjustment range is 30 mm.
- The package contains: A triangular, stainless steel Vieser Corner grating, an adjustable steel frame and an easy-to-use installation template.
- The watertightness and proper functioning of the floor drain have been proven in rigorous tests conducted according to the standard EN 1253-2, on which the Vieser One floor drain type approvals are also based. (Vieser One floor drain type approval)
- The compatibility and watertightness of Vieser One floor drains and the liquid-applied waterproofing of wet spaces have been proven in tests conducted according to the standard EN 1253-1, on which Vieser’s product certificates are also based. (Vieser One and Vieser product certificate).
- Compatibility with Vieser One floor drains offers the user an easy-to-remove water trap that is easy to clean and reinstall.
Vieser’s drain and cover combination comes with a 10-year system guarantee.
(PDF)Vieser Corner floor drain system - Tiling example
(DWG)Vieser Corner floor drain system - Tiling example
Technical specifications
The package contains: A triangular, stainless steel Vieser Corner grating, an adjustable steel frame and an installation template.
To facilitate the installation of the tiling, the frame can be adjusted by a maximum of 15 mm off-centre of the floor drain. The total adjustment range is 30 mm.
The Vieser floor drain is sold separately.
Choose the Vieser floor drain that is right for your Vieser Corner floor drain system
Vieser 6001178 DOT ⌀600mm - Tray база круглая RST
Vieser 6001178 DOT ⌀600mm - Tray renn ümmargune RST
Vieser Dot ⌀600mm - Tray
The Vieser Dot floor drain system consists of two separate parts: a tray and the chosen cover. In addition, the Vieser floor drain that is right for the floor drain system is sold separately.
Vieser Dot, with its innovative shape and size, represents a new kind of floor drain system that adds the finishing touch to your bathroom’s interior.
- Compatibility with all Vieser One floor drains means that you can choose either a vertical, horizontal or untrapped floor drain, thereby also guaranteeing quick and easy installation.
- With Vieser One drains, you can also make use of three DN32/40 side inlets for the floor drain to facilitate the placement of the drain and the installation of the pipeline.
- Suitable for both new construction and renovations.
- The watertightness and proper functioning of the floor drain have been proven in rigorous tests conducted according to the standard EN 1253-2, on which the Vieser One floor drain type approvals are also based. (Vieser One floor drain type approval)
- The Vieser Dot floor drain system has a patented solution that enables entirely safe installation and a completely watertight membrane joint. The compatibility and watertightness of Vieser One floor drains and the liquid-applied waterproofing of wet spaces have been proven in tests conducted according to the standard EN 1253-1, on which Vieser’s product certificates are also based. (Vieser One and Vieser product certificate) & (Vieser One and Vieser product certificate when using the Vieser membrane flange)
- Vieser Dot is a very user-friendly floor drain system. Compatibility with Vieser One floor drains offers the user an easy-to-remove water trap that is easy to clean and reinstall.
Vieser’s drain and cover combination comes with a 10-year system guarantee.