Знак для сортировки мусора на крепление plastic/metall жёлтый RAL1021
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Время доставки: 4-6 недель
Продавец: PEGU OÜ
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Plaque for selective sorting post colza. Plastic and metal waste. Signage plate that identifies the sorting space. This plate promotes recycling management.
Anti-corrosion treated steel.
Powder coated steel.
Collection: collec.
Yellow colza 1021.
Other references: waste divers (56026), recycling paper (56028), recycling glass (56029).
79,00 €
Prügikast 6L, seinapealne paigaldus
R/V Teras AISI304
122,00 €
Width: 660 mm, Height: 780 mm, Depth closed: 200 mm, Depth open: 770 mm
951,60 €
835,00 €
30,00 €