36.6 EUR
1745 EUR

Грязевой трап Н/Р сталь

Грязевой трап Н/Р сталь

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Keraamiline tööorgan

Артикул: D1020000 ,   Время доставки: 7-21 день
145,00 €


Termostaatsegisti Thermixa Zero 

  • Artikli number 57400
  • Viimistlused Kroom
  • Standardfunktsioonid 
  • Keraamiline tööorgan.
  • Põletuskaitsega
  • Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Klik.
  • 1/2" ühendus käsiduši voolikule.
  • Standardne tsentrite vahe 150 mm.
  • Varustatud ilukatete ja ekstsentrikutega.
Артикул: D5740000 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
190,00 €
Kui ilmastikutingimusi iseloomustab perioodidel lörtsi, vihma ja mudaga, võib olla raske kodu puhtana hoida, kus lapsed ja täiskasvanud elavad aktiivselt. Unidrain’s MatLine on funktsionaalne ja elegantne lahendus nendele igapäevastele probleemidele.
MatLine'i saab paigaldada oma saali või abiruumi põrandale. Intelligentne matt on ühendatud olemasoleva torustikuga, nii et liigne muda ja vesi juhitakse ära. Kuiva mustuse ja liiva saab kergesti tolmuimejaga puhastada.
MatLine on kasulik ja asjakohane igas hoones. Mattide süsteem sisaldab: vaipa, raami, liivapüüdurit ja liitmikku. Kaasas on ka konks, et matt oleks hõlpsam käsitseda.
Когда климат в периоды отмечен слякотью, дождем и грязью, может быть трудно содержать дом в чистоте, поскольку дети и взрослые ведут активный образ жизни. MatLine от Unidrain - это функциональное и элегантное решение этих повседневных проблем.
MatLine можно установить в полу вашего холла или подсобного помещения. Интеллектуальный коврик подключается к существующей сантехнике, поэтому излишки грязи и воды сливаются. Сухая грязь и песок легко удаляются пылесосом.
MatLine полезен и актуален в каждом здании. В систему матов входят: мат, рама, песколовка и фитинг. Также в комплекте есть крючок, чтобы с ковриком было легче обращаться.
When the climate in periods is marked by slush, rain and mud it can be hard to keep the home clean, with children and adults leading active lives. Unidrain’s MatLine is a functional and elegant solution to these day-to-day problems. 
MatLine can be installed in the floor of your hall or utility room. The intelligent mat is connected to the existing plumbing, so excess mud and water are drained away. Dry dirt and sand can be easily vacuumed up. 
MatLine is useful and relevant in every building. The mat system comprises: Mat, frame, sand trap and fitting. It also comes with a hook to make the mat easier to handle.
Артикул: UN60010800 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
1254,47 € (10%)
1393,85 €
Unidrain MatLine/KVADRAT водяной отвод 50 mm, горизонтальный
2511.0050 Outlet unit horizontal outlet Ø 50 - Outlet unit Ø 50 mm - 2511.0050 - Horizontal outlet excl. water trap
Артикул: UN25110050 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
65,88 € (10%)
73,20 €

Unidrain MatLine/KVADRAT водяной отвод 75 mm, вертикальный

Артикул: UN25120075 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
65,88 € (10%)
73,20 €

Unidrain MatLine/KVADRAT водяной отвод 75 mm, горизонтальный

Артикул: UN25110075 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
65,88 € (10%)
73,20 €

VIESER ONE трап 50 3X32/40 боковой отвод

Vieser One floor drain DN50 3×32/40 (without support legs)

Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.

The Vieser One horizontal floor drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system. The floor drain can be used with a Vieser extension ring, waterproofing flange or grating. The drain includes three 32/40 mm side inlets that can be opened. The package package contains the floor drain, protective lid,  a water trap, a seal, a clamping ring and a clamping ring installation tool.


Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package dimensions
23 x 14,5 x 22 cm
Package weight
0,9 kg
Polypropylene PP
Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.
General information

The floor drain is compatible with Vieser extension rings, distance rings, waterproofing flange and grating system.

The drain includes three 32/40 mm side inlets that can be opened. The package contains the floor drain, a water trap, a seal, a clamping ring and a clamping ring installation tool.

Артикул: AKV52612 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
36,60 €

VIESER ONE трап 75 3X32/40 боковой отвод

Vieser One floor drain DN75 3×32/40 (without support legs)


Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.

The Vieser One horizontal floor drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system. The floor drain can be used with a Vieser extension ring, waterproofing flange or grating. The drain includes three 32/40 mm side inlets that can be opened. The package package contains the floor drain, protective lid,  a water trap, a seal, a clamping ring and a clamping ring installation tool.

Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package (box/pallet)
Package dimensions
23 x 14,5 x 22 cm
Package weight
0,9 kg
Polypropylene PP
Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.
General information

The floor drain is compatible with Vieser extension rings, distance rings, waterproofing flange and grating system.

The drain includes three 32/40 mm side inlets that can be opened. The package contains the floor drain, a water trap, a seal, a clamping ring and a clamping ring installation tool.

Артикул: AKV52611 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
36,60 €

NOVA2 wiper for floor. Incl. rubber hook & rubber strap. Available in 6 finishes. The different finishes make it easy to match with existing bathroom interior.

Height: 1115mm
Width: 260mm
Diameter: Ø12mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Артикул: FRON1946-1-GO ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
120,98 €

NOVA2 wiper for floor. Incl. rubber hook & rubber strap. Available in 6 finishes. The different finishes make it easy to match with existing bathroom interior.

Height: 1115mm
Width: 260mm
Diameter: Ø12mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Артикул: FRON1946-1-W ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
100,65 €

NOVA2 wiper for floor. Incl. rubber hook & rubber strap. Available in 6 finishes. The different finishes make it easy to match with existing bathroom interior.

Height: 1115mm
Width: 260mm
Diameter: Ø12mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Артикул: FRON1946-1-BMG ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
120,98 €

NOVA2 wiper for floor. Incl. rubber hook & rubber strap. Available in 6 finishes. The different finishes make it easy to match with existing bathroom interior.

Height: 1115mm
Width: 260mm
Diameter: Ø12mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Артикул: FRON1946-1 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 дней
100,65 €

NOVA2 wiper for floor. Incl. rubber hook & rubber strap. Available in 6 finishes. The different finishes make it easy to match with existing bathroom interior.

Height: 1115mm
Width: 260mm
Diameter: Ø12mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Артикул: FRON1946-1-C ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
120,98 €

NOVA2 wiper for floor. Incl. rubber hook & rubber strap. Available in 6 finishes. The different finishes make it easy to match with existing bathroom interior.

Height: 1115mm
Width: 260mm
Diameter: Ø12mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Артикул: FROO1946-1 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 дней
100,65 €

NOVA2 wiper for floor. Incl. rubber hook & rubber strap. Available in 6 finishes. The different finishes make it easy to match with existing bathroom interior.

Height: 1115mm
Width: 260mm
Diameter: Ø12mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Артикул: FRON1946-1-BCB ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
120,98 €

NOVA2 wiper for floor. Incl. rubber hook & rubber strap. Available in 6 finishes. The different finishes make it easy to match with existing bathroom interior.

Height: 1115mm
Width: 260mm
Diameter: Ø12mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Артикул: FRON1946-1-B ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
100,65 €

NOVA2 wiper for floor. Incl. rubber hook & rubber strap. Available in 6 finishes. The different finishes make it easy to match with existing bathroom interior.

Height: 1115mm
Width: 260mm
Diameter: Ø12mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Артикул: FRON1946-1-BOC ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
120,98 €

Poripüüdja RST 730 x430 kummikattega

Артикул: AK4912000 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
564,25 €

Poripüüdja RST 730 x430 kummikattega

Артикул: KAV-3314881 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
1745,00 €

Bidee kraan-ventiil eelsegatud, või külma veele 1/2"

Isesulguva mehhanismiga, kroom

Артикул: IDR-02427/S ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
104,31 € (10%)
115,90 €